Through Every Season

Tag: Moving (Page 3 of 5)

What’s in Your Bible?

I spent the week unpacking books.
It was difficult because I haven’t settled where they are all going to go yet.  I am short one nice big closet for keeping scrapbooks and the books I am saving for grandchildren.
I noticed Thursday that I’ve collected quite a few Bibles.
Two were given to me last year on my birthday.
I grew up reading and loving the King James Bible my parents gave me.
Then when I started reading passages to the kids,
I felt like I needed a dictionary to explain almost every other word.
I wanted God easily accessible for them with out Mr. Webster or me in between.
So I bought my first non-King James Bible.
Now I love the easier to read versions and I am unfortunately
developing a growing resentment towards people who talk in “thee’s and thou’s.”
Jesus didn’t speak in a antiquitified language.
The Bible was written in the most modern, accessible language of its day.
We recently went to see the Blood and Ink exhibit.
It’s amazing to learn about the sacrifices made
for the Bible to be translated and distributed in everyday language.
The stories of the thousands of people killed in the name of the church
for possessing and reading the Bible are horrific.
In houses past I’d strategically put a Bible in each room.
This time I am toying with the idea of putting most of them in one spot
so I can just go to that spot and pick witch one I want.
I called to ask my Mom what she thought about the idea.
She wasn’t home.. so in a moment of weakness I asked my dad.
 Ergo the explanation of the King James version above.
My dad would be happy to know that our church here reads
the New King James version of the Bible.
This is where I put them for now.  My favorite version (The Message) is on top.
The King James my parents gave me is on bottom.
Oh, boy! Maybe I should get a shelf.
I have two New King James versions.
And another King James that belonged to my Mamalene.
Missing from the stack is a parallel Bible that I will probably keep in my room.
And the NIRV that I keep with our school books to read with the kids during school.
Honestly, most of the non-King James versions were gifts.
Don’t Bibles make good gifts?
I have the confess that The Message was a gift to myself.
I found it at the Unclaimed Baggage store.
The Bible I read most is on
I love it because I can read my favorite versions side by side.
I love to find a verse or a chapter and chew on it from different points of view.
I’ve been known to use the different versions
to write my own version and call it “Jenny’s version.”
Sacrilege.  Right?
Not only that but I’ll use my version for art work or the kids memory work.
I am probably scaring them for life.. don’t tell my dad.
It’s just that one version will express one part so well then
I don’t want them to miss the meaning of the other part in the other version.
I rarely read more than a chapter at a time.
I don’t think reading a Bible should be a race, but a time to pray and meditate.
The Holy Spirit loves to show me new things in His Word.
My favorite version on Bible Gateway is the New Living Translation.
Maybe I’ll find a hard copy at a garage sale sometime.
The thing only thing I don’t like about the online version
 is that you can’t write notes in the margin.
I should look into finding one of those ministries that collect
old Bibles to give to people who don’t have one.
I could probably part with a few.
But to get to my title,
I could never part with the ones with notes in the margins.
I love to go back and read the King James version
that my parents gave me for that very reason.
My favorite, favorite Bible is a small new testament that I carried with me
through High School and  the beginning of my married life.
There is so much good stuff in there.. so much revelation written in the margins.

I’d kinda stopped writing in the margins ..
since I started reading the one online and write my own versions.
I have a collection notebooks of notes and prayers that I started years ago.
None of which I’d want my kids to read now, but one day.
My Mamalene’s King James Bible has notes and red check marks and underlines by her favorite passages.  It’s a treasure.
I feel a connection with her when I read it and
SOOO blessed to have a heritage of faith.
When I read her notes I remember how she loved God
and strove to become like Him.
My favorite memory of her and Granddad was that
every night before bed they would read a chapter of the Bible.
No discussion.  Just a short prayer and time to go to bed.
I always wanted to carry on that tradition with my kids.
It didn’t translate quite that way but I hope the kids will fondly remember
“Jenny’s version” of the verses we memorized and our morning prayers
and the Bible studies and discussions we did through the years.
Here’s one of my favorite passages from my Mamalene’s Bible.
In the front cover of her Bible she has a newspaper clipping that quotes WM. A. Ward, “Difficulties are never designed to discourage, dominate or destroy us, but to deepen us.”
A few more notes from Mamalene’s Bible
 To be used of God 
1) Much time in secret prayer
2) Complete disregard of self
3) Life filled with doing good things
We must come to the place where we can live the sacrificial life 
then we can go out and witness.
The only thing that will solve problems of individual, country 
or the world is for man to have a right relationship with God!
Thou will keep him in perfect peace who trusteh in Him 
because his mind is stayed on Me.
How to Study the Bible
1) Is there a lesson to learn?
2) Is there a blessing to enjoy?
3) Is there a command to obey?
4) Is there a sin to avoid?
5) Is there a new truth to carry with me?

Keeping Room Mantle

How do you like my mantle decorations?
It took me three days to decide what to put on it.
It turned out to be a collection of trees with a dove in the middle.
The cross was a gift from our realtor in Montgomery.  🙂
Every house that we’ve visited in AL has one.
The framed photo was a gift from my dad.
It used to hang in our music room.
I found the ceramic dove and the Hallmark photo tree (only $8) at GW.
Can you find your picture on the tree?
Our house is feeling much more homey now that I have our pictures hanging on the wall.

Unpacking Pictures For Mom

This week I rearranged my plastic containers two more times.
I usually have one cabinet that holds all my plastic, but this time I didn’t have one that big.  I am pretty sure I have more cabinet space than before it’s just more spread out.
I think they have finally found their home because I love having the lids so easily accessible and organized in the drawer.  I brought all the kids in and showed them my wonderful accomplishment one by one.  Partly because I was so proud and partly because I knew soon enough they’d be asking me where it all went this time.
I stowed all my party plastic and paper goods under my island cabinet.
I thought that keeping them there would make them easy to get out and put on the island for guest.  Want to come visit and try it out?
These are my mixing bowels and towels.  They are between the oven and sink for easy reach when baking.  I spent a couple of hours on line this week trying to find some kitchen towels that actually dry things.  The ones I bought at Costco 3 years ago are driving me crazy because they push around more water than they absorb.  My sister, Courtney, says she uses cloth diapers.  I may be buying some this week.
I unpacked my kitchen rugs.  I bought these to help sell our house in Montgomery.  Joel says they don’t match this kitchen.
Mike helped me organized our office center.  It’s not real pretty.. but it’s organized and easy to access.  I can watch Joseph Prince pod cast while I work in the kitchen.  And I can see the lake from there.  🙂
I worked a whole day hanging these curtains.  Curtains are so much harder than they look.  I couldn’t get one of the screws to go in all the way.  I am planning to iron the package creases out while they are hanging.
See our new discounted, discontinued chair from Macy’s that I bought over the phone last week?  Mike loves it and says he’s never going to sit anywhere else.  I am glad he’s happy because I picked it out.
Our whole neighborhood in Montgomery hung up Christmas wreaths every year.  The house there came with ready with nails to hang the wreaths, so Mike and I found some wreaths 75% off after Christmas our first year there.  We only got to use them the one Christmas before we moved.
Here I was baffled at how to hang up our wreaths.  There was no place to put a nail.  Then I noticed that a neighbor used suction cups.  I went to Lowes, Home Depot, and Walmart before finding them at Michael’s.
I’ve been to the store way too many times this week.  I finally broke down and bought my 7th set of curtain rings because I couldn’t find any of my other sets and I was tired of the kids taking showers in my bathroom.  If we move again, remind me to pack a set or two with my suit case.  Ok?
I worked on my closet, too.  We put everything from the apartment in our closets the night before the movers came so it wouldn’t get lost.

So I had to move all that stuff out first.  Then I had to donate a large garbage bag of clothes because not only is this the smallest closet I think I’ve ever had but also I have no coat closet.
It’s built in the corner of the bathroom.  If it was 3″ deeper I could open the door all the way.
See how the clothes stick out too far?
I hung my short sleeve shirts behind the door.  I’ll switch them out with my sweaters in the summer.
I made this rug for my bathroom in Montgomery.  It covered most my bathroom floor.
This is my bathroom floor now.
To be fair.  My vanity in Montgomery was in the carpeted part of my bedroom.
I found a place for my linens.
I got creative with where to store these extra large bedspreads that Mamalene crocheted.
I actually have 3 of them.  One I use on my bed to keep warm.  Hope that I remember where I put the other two when that one gets ratty.
When Mike and I were putting together my bed we discovered that we could raise the bed up higher.  I was so happy because it’s always been about an inch too low to store anything under it.  Only problem is that now my head board and foot boards are floating.
I had some extra finials left over from my curtain rods and I used them as pretty little feet.
James helped me raise the bed so I could get my drill under the feet to make a hole for the finial feet.  Lovely.

Early Christmas Snow

We had our first snow our first night in the house with our furniture.
We’ve been trying not to wear shoes in the house.
Time to walk Sally.  Can you see the frame for the new neighbor’s foundation?
Snow tub.
Sally gets excited about the white stuff.
My Christmas card is up.  Our garage is full with boxes, so our cars are lined up in the driveway.
Our Christmas tree.
Happy Birthday Mom!

Beautiful Poem/Hymn

I finally got some real unpacking done yesterday. I was motivated by the fact that Mike has off today and I knew he’d be bugging me to find his surround sound speakers. We’d found the subwoofer and two of them but couldn’t find the other two.  

I needed a clue, so I asked him when the last time he saw them was.  His answer: “The kitchen table in Montgomery.”  So James and I unpacked two more large “dish packs.”  They weren’t there.  I unpacked all the bathroom boxes looking for shower curtain rings.  I know I have at least 5 sets.  I have to buy new sets every move because I can never find them.  No speakers; no curtain rings.  I unpacked all the flower/nicknack boxes thinking maybe the speakers were put in with the living room flowers.  Then Joel and I unpacked all the picture boxes.  Judi finished unpacking the game room.  Still no speakers.  
Next, I decided to unpack the drums.  “Maybe,” I thought, “they were wrapped in some padding in a drum.”  Judi and I unpacked all the linens.  After 7 hours of unpacking, in the last box marked, “Master bedroom items” Judi found a little box with the speakers in side.  I was so glad she found them that I gave her a big kiss.  I would have never opened the random little box inside the big box.  

Basically the only boxes that haven’t been emptied out are the garage boxes, school/book boxes and fabric boxes.  I have lots of random stuff sitting around that are not put away and kitchen and bathroom cabinets and closets that need to be organized and curtains to make and hang… 

Today’s plan is to take it easy and go to Birmingham to pick up our cuddler recliner.  
Here are two gems from my e-mail devotions:

Prayer for December 11

Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus, and find rest for my weary soul. Thank you for easing, relieving and refreshing me. Your yoke is wholesome—not harsh, hard, sharp or pressing, but comfortable, gracious and pleasant; your burden is light and easy to be borne. I cast my burden on you [releasing the weight of it] and you sustain me. You will never allow me to be moved—made to slip or fail, in the name of Jesus. Amen. (Strength to Overcome Cares and Burdens, Daily Prayers That Avail Much Commemorative Edition)

Matthew 11:28-30; Psalm 55:22; I Peter 5:9

My Goal Is God Himself

Frederick Brook

My goal is God Himself; not joy, nor peace,
Nor even blessing, but Himself, my God;
’Tis His to lead me there, not mine, but His—
“At any cost, dear Lord, by any road!”

So faith bounds forward to its goal in God,
And love can trust her Lord to lead her there;
Upheld by Him, my soul is following hard,
Till God hath full fulfilled my deepest prayer.

No matter if the way be sometimes dark,
No matter though the cost be oft times great,
He knoweth how I best shall reach the mark;
The way that leads to Him must needs be strait.

One thing I know—I cannot say Him nay;
On thing I do—I press toward my Lord,
My God, my glory here from day to day,
And in the glory there my Great Reward.

Here’s a link to a nice MP3 of the hymn.


Defining Unpacking

I have a garage full of boxes and I didn’t unpack a thing the last two days.  Crazy.  Right?
I built Josh and Joel’s beds when we moved to Montgomery because I was tired of the store bought ones breaking.   After one of their bigger friends decided to jump on top of them on Joel’s bed, I had to improve my design.  How many twin sized beds do you know of that are designed to hold 500 lbs plus force?  I live by the adage “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it,” so I never redid Josh’s bed.  It didn’t survive the move, so I had to make a trip to the hardware store, get out the drill, and spend most of Monday fixing it.
Joel found a great way to arrange their room.  It’s the smallest room that they have ever had to share, so we weren’t sure that all their stuff would fit.  They had to relinquish their red chair to Judi, but now it looks like a regular room.. not too crowed.
The only other things I did on Monday were write Christmas cards, rearrange the video cabinet Judi and Joel unpacked and my pots and pans.  None of it shows since they were all in cabinets before.  :-}
Yesterday, I planed out what curtain rods to buy, how to use the ones I already have, and went to buy them.  I remembered my coupon and everything.
Then Josh called… he locked his keys in his car so I had to unpack a part of my suitcase to find his key and go rescue him.  Since we were already on that side of town, Judi and I went to Costco and got a few things including some of those fancy fuzzy hangers for her.  We had to look all over the store to find them.  I bought her some earlier this year and she decided she needed more.  They come in packs of 50 so I asked her “Don’t you think 50 clothing items is enough?”  She said, “No.”  If you need some, they are around $15 at Costco.
It took me all afternoon to hang up curtains in just my and Judi’s rooms.  At first, I hung the brackets upside down in my room.  Didn’t realize it until I was hanging the same brackets in Judi’s, so I had to totally redo mine.  🙂  It’s a pain because they are designed so that you have to remove the finial to take out the rod before you can flip it all over.  I am glad I discovered my mistake though, because my curtains were dragging the floor when they were hung the wrong way.  I thought I had measured them so they just touched the floor.  When I flipped the bracket, they hung just right.
I did accomplish one other thing yesterday.  I bought a cuddler recliner over the phone.  Mike decided that he wanted to get a cuddler recliner to share with me.  He says our couch is uncomfortable.  We’ve been looking all over for weeks for a recliner that will look good with our couch.  Our couch has very straight modern lines most recliners are big and pouffy, not to mention the whole color and type of leather thing.
We finally found one that we thought would work on sale on line at Macy’s.  The only thing was that when we were finally in the house and ready to buy it, Mike called and found out that they don’t ship to our area.  There are no Macy’s in our area and they ‘don’t ship to the stores either’ and the data base we looked in said there were no stores within 300 miles that carried the one we wanted.
So yesterday, I called prepared with several friend’s zip codes; one in Birmingham, one in Montgomery, and one in GA.  The one in Birmingham was a winner.. but then she checked and they were all out.  It had been discontinued.  She looked to see if there was a floor model somewhere ‘near by’ and there was one in Birmingham.
I got the number to the store and they actually had one and it was even cheeper than the on line sale price (I hope it’s the right one).  She said she couldn’t hold it until the weekend for us.. so I bought it over the phone.  Yay!  We get to make a trip to Jim and Nick’s Barbeque and pick up our cuddler recliner this weekend.  Won’t be unpacking that day either.  😀
Judi decorated the Christmas tree for me yesterday afternoon to make it look a little more like we had unpacked.  Today, I need to put the angel on the top of the tree, take Judi to  gymnastics and grocery shopping.  I have curtains rods to hang in 5 more rooms, I only have curtains for 2 of those rooms, so one of these days I’ll probably have to make some curtains.  Have you seen how expensive and cheaply made curtains are these days?
Maybe I’ll unpack some boxes on Thursday.

Morning Trip

Our debit card photos are over 10 years old,
and we have been getting some funny looks lately when trying to use them
for purchases, so we decided this morning that it was time to up date them.
The only catch was that the closest branch is in Tennessee.
We discovered that the border is only about half an hour away.

The fall colors are gorgeous. I love fall.
I took a photo of this Methodis church for Mom.

Davy Crockett was born not too far from here.
He has a state park near by. We’ll have to check it out next time.

We stopped at this store on the way back.

It had some awesome black bear quilts and beautiful antiques.

Our house has an address stone now. Yay!

Shelter, Food, Church.. Why go to church?

A Bible Study
Whenever we move, there are three things on our immediate agenda. Find a house. Find a grocery store. Find a church.
As the kids have gotten older finding a church has been more difficult. Most churches have something for the kids.. but a good youth group is hard to find.. a good college group even harder.
I’ve been getting complaints from certain young people that I am too intense about church and have been asked, “Why go to church anyway?” My usual answer is that we need to encourage others and be encouraged.
They know the answer.. but they keep asking. Why do kids do that??
I decided that I would do some research and write a Bible study on it. (Should have made them do that.)
One of the most relevant answers I found was this comparison: Why go to church when you can worship God and read your Bible at home? Why go to a concert, when you can buy the CD’s or download the music on itunes? There is a BIG difference!
Some biblical reasons??
We are to learn of Jesus. Matthew 11:29
He told His parents that it was His duty to be in His Father’s house. Luke 2:49
He taught there regularly. Luke 21:37-38
It was his custom to go. Luke 4:14-16
My original answer: We Need Each Other
Hebrews 10:24-25 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
To be a part of what Jesus is building. Matthew 16:15-19
Jesus’ prayer is that we would be one. John 17: 20-23
It’s not good for us to be alone. Genesis 2:18
God puts the lonely in families. Psalm 68:6

Psalm 133:1 How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!

Jesus loves the church as a bride and gave Himself for her. Ephesians 5:25-33
We are part of the body of Christ. Each part needs the other parts. I Corinthians 12:12-27
If someone refuses to listen to the church, we are to treat them as a pagan.
If two agree, we will receive what we ask for.
If two or three come together in His name, He is there with us. Matthew 18:17-20
To be strengthened in faith and numbers. Acts 16:5
1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.
John 13:34-35 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
To admonish one another in all wisdom. Colossians 3:16
Can we have fellowship with each other, obey our leaders, love one another, and all the other one another commands if we aren’t actively involved in a local body? Hebrews 13:17
To receive spiritual food. John 21:15-17
To hear the word of God to grow in faith.
Romans 10:17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.
Matthew 4: Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'”
Beware of LIONS and WOLVES! Oh, My!
We need overseers, shepherds, to serve as humble examples for us. The devil prowls like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Which sheep do the lions eat? The weak ones who are off by themselves. 1 Peter 5:1-11
Wolves will not spare us. We need protection from the distortion of the truth. Acts 20:28-30
Jesus rejoices when he comes home with a lost sheep. Luke 15:4-7
1 Peter 2:25 For you were going astray like sheep but now you have turned back to the shepherd and guardian of your souls.
There will be terrible times in the last days.. have nothing to do with the people who love pleasure more than God.. all Scripture is God-breathed and useful … trained and equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:1-17
Many will turn away from the faith and betray and hate each other… Matthew 24:4-14
Church finding/attending tips:
Remember there are no perfect people, therefore there can not be any perfect churches.
Pray and ask God to show you what church to go to.
Look for a church that teaches from the Bible.
Look for a church that sees God as loving .. not as revengeful. Romans 8:1-4
Look for a church that teaches that faith in Jesus.. not works.. is the only way to heaven. Ephesians 2:1-10
Stick with that church until God tells you to go somewhere else.
If someone there hurts your feelings, pray for them and forgive them.
If you don’t like the music or something else about the church, pray for your fellow believers and listen to the music you like at home.
Remember church is a growing experience.
If God gives you an idea to improve the church, ask God how you can put it into action, then ask your pastor if you can try it out.
Don’t wait for other people to take the first step. Be friendly.
Get involved. Don’t be a bench warmer.
Loved by Jesus.. imperfections and all,

Some Photos from Around Our Lake

Mike and I have been hanging out at the house/lake quite a bit lately.

Here we are at the gazebo. The lot next to us sold and I guess we’ll be getting a new neighbor soon.

Pretty sun set.

These kids were having a ball catching little perch.
Most were about 3″ long. One caught a “big”one that was about 8” long.

Sun set/moon rise.

These guys worked through a thunderstorm/tornado warning on our roof until the last possible minute. I was praying that none of them would die so I wouldn’t have to run over and raise them from the dead. Most of the storm went North, but at the last we heard the rain coming and quickly went for the car while our roofers jumped off the roof to find shelter in our window sills.

These ducks are very friendly.

They hang out at the lake most days.

Pretty sure these geese are on their way South.

It’s starting to look like fall.

I love this pict.

I love these water lilies.

Think I can get some to grow on our side of the lake?

Here’s the lake from our bathroom window…
When they put the block window in we won’t be able to see it any more.

Here it is from our back porch.
See the L shaped plot of mud. That’s basically our back yard.
Not a lot of grass to mow.. especially after they put in the 10×25 ft. back patio.
Happy Columbus Day!

Packers, Movers, and Birthday Celebrations

Steps to getting ready for the movers
  • Pray.
  • Schedule packers and truck pick up.
  • Pray.
  • Schedule house inspection.
  • Pray some more.
  • Have packers over to count how many boxes they need. Try to remember everything that you put in storage so they can plan on that too. Call to tell them the things you forgot.
  • Pray.
  • Find something to do with your dog and kids in the middle of the summer heat while inspectors are inspecting.
  • Pray harder.
  • Try not to hyperventilate over the results.
  • Pray.
  • Check out the water meter to see if what they said is true.
  • Pray that there is not a plumbing leak in the foundation of your house.
  • Schedule repairs.
  • Pray things will go OK.
  • Call realtor when her plumbers don’t show up.
  • Pray for patience because she is at the beach.
  • Ask realtor repeatedly when she is going schedule the appraiser so you can get your stuff out of storage.
  • Pray again.
  • Ask all your friends and relatives what colors you should choose for your new house.
  • Pray.
  • Try not to be frustrated with your limited number of choices.
  • Pray for wisdom and peace.
  • Then pick what your husband wanted to begin with and ignore all your friends and family.
  • Breathe.
Judi’s friend, Sarah, went with us to Huntsville to pick out colors and take Josh to orientation.
We went to see “Aliens in the Attic” This photo was taken at Rosie’s Cantina.
  • Call the storage facility and find out that you’re a couple of days too late to tell them you’ll be out before the end of the month and that you’ll still have to pay for it even though you’ll be out.
  • Pray for grace.
  • Drive your oldest to Huntsville for college orientation. Pick your colors while you’re there.
  • Pray you’ll be content with the choices you made.
  • Decide what is the absolutely last day that you can wait for the appraisal before you have to start taking apart your house.
  • Pray that God will give you wisdom about what to do while you’re waiting for the appraiser.
  • Find out that your four kids are going to be sharing two queen sized beds in the apartment.
  • Pray for favor.
  • Ask temporary housing for twin beds for the kids.
  • Praise God for answered prayers.
  • Take apart your closet. Decide what you will need for the rest of Summer, Fall and the beginning of Winter.. just incase it takes that long to build your house.
  • Thank God that the appraiser is finally coming tomorrow.
  • Cram everything that you decided you didn’t need into the coat closet.
  • Pray for grace to make the house sparkle for the appraiser.
  • Let appraiser in. Try not to say too much so that God gets the glory.
  • Try to believe God that your house will appraise high enough.
  • Borrow a friend’s truck to unpack the storage facility that same day.
  • Pray that your kids will survive the move.
  • Tell your kids they have to pack only the essentials.
  • Pray.
  • Explain what the word essentials means.
  • Pray that they will eventually realize that we really are moving and that they have to start packing.
  • Take the kids to a church outing that they are dying to go to.
  • Trust God that everything will be ready for the packers when they get there.
  • Let your husband drag on an inter-tube at 45 mph.
  • Pray that you’ll eventually be able to sit again.
  • Try not to laugh when he falls off the jet ski.
  • Pray that you aren’t forgetting to pack something important.
  • Go through boxes from storage and find school books.
  • Pray that you won’t be sore from all the lifting forever.
Packing day finally came. It normally only takes our packers one day to pack then one day to load the truck. Our packers were on Montgomery time though and took three whole days. On the 3rd day I realized that the shipping bolts for the washing machine were missing. I had left them on top of the washing machine so they wouldn’t get lost (at the time it sounded like a good idea). Two different people had worked on packing the laundry room which was located right off the kitchen. The bolts could have been packed in any of the kitchen boxes.
The head packer told me that one time she was on a job where the packing bolts were packed somewhere in the garage and that they spent a whole day unpacking the garage and still didn’t find them.
We called to see if the person installing the bolts had any extra. He said It would take 3 weeks to get in a new set of bolts. I had less than one day.
Early that morning before the packers arrived, James realized that he had forgotten to save out his check book. The two of us prayed and he found it in the first box he opened.
About the time I was ready to start looking, Mike came home for lunch. I explained to him in front of the head packer what was up and asked him to pray with me for God to show us which box it was in so we could find it easily the way James had found his check book. We prayed. Mike walked around looking at boxes. He found a box in the music room marked “wash room”. He thought wash room meant bathroom. I remembered that the day before that our main packer was calling our laundry room the “wash room” and said, “That’s the box!” We opened it and found the bolts.
Our head packer was so impressed that we found them in the first box that she told all her helpers the story. Glory!
Truck loading day went pretty well. There was a little confusion at the beginning of the day but we were able to get it worked out and the crew chief told me not to worry that all he does everyday is pray and move. He watched part of a Joseph Prince message with us on his break and was a joy to be around. We were super blessed to have Christians helping us get everything moved out of the house into a government warehouse.
The next day we picked up the U-hall trailer and were able to fit everything in and get it safely to Huntsville in time to eat good Mexican food for James’ Birthday dinner at Rosie’s Cantina.

Happy 19th!
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