Through Every Season

Tag: Moving (Page 4 of 5)

God’s Favor

A few more details before the house hunting story…
Before telling Josh that we were moving, I knew I needed to arm myself with information on the colleges there. I jumped on the computer and looked up Huntsville colleges. I found one (UAH) that offers a graduate program in Josh’s favorite field of study: Bio-genetics. It looks like a very good program. Also just recently a large Biotechnology Institute called Hudson Alpha moved to Huntsville (a possible place of future employment). They are currently working on a swine flu vaccine among other things.

Josh responded to the news with just one sentence “When are ya’ll leaving?” First I swelled with pride at my Texan offspring using the word “ya’ll” so aptly. Then I was quickly over taken with fear that Josh wouldn’t make this one last (I hope) move with us. I asked him to at least prayerfully think about moving with us and to look over the information I found.
I forgot to mention in my first moving post that a few days after Mike was offered the job in Huntsville everything fell apart at his job in Montgomery. Some higher ups decided that his office was redundant and to cut all the leadership positions (including Mike’s and his two bosses). Only a few people there were going to actually be able to relocate to another office in Montgomery.. everyone else was going to have to find a new job, house, life… We were so relieved to have the Huntsville offer and praying all the more that the job would workout.
The move began feeling more like God was yanking us out of the pit.. and thrusting us into “Rocket City” than normal gentle leading. The office in Huntsville was anxious to have Mike start and got the initial paper work done at lightening speed. We had three buyers in just one week. Josh was granted favor and was able to transfer to UAH even though he was one credit short. Mike just happened to have scheduled months before a 2 week class in Huntsville. He was able to get some preliminary house hunting done in the evenings after class and keep me up dated via the internet on our choices.
It takes a while to get acclimated to a new city and find out where what is, how long it takes to get from here to there, and where a good area to live is. Mike worked really hard to study the situation and to try to decide what was most important to us in finding a house. Location is always key. This time we needed to not only to be a reasonable commute from work but also from Josh’s college. Together we cut his list down from 60 to 10 houses for me to chose from.
I drove up for the weekend in between week one and two of his class. We went to see Mike’s top 10 or so houses and in the end didn’t have peace about any of the houses. They were either too run down, not in a good location or too expensive. We were very discouraged and very apprehensive about making a bid on a house that would eat up most of Mike’s new raise.
Sunday was our last chance.. Mike had to start back to class on Monday and I needed to get home and get ready for the movers. We decided to check into building as a last resort. We had seen a new home on the opposite side of town from where we wanted to live that we liked and decided to try searching on line for other neighborhoods by that builder. We found a neighborhood that was about a mile West of where Mike had decided was as far as he wanted to commute. We drove to the model home after lunch, but they weren’t scheduled to open for another hour. So we drove by our top three houses one last time; one that was too expensive, one in a bad location and one that was a steal but that would need more repairs and upgrades than we could afford (the master bedroom had a mauve bath tub, tile, countertops etc… and the kid’s bathroom hunter green).
We’ve never built before and it was a scary thought. We knew nothing about building a house. We were afraid that the price would start out looking good but then rise over our heads in hidden cost. We sat down in a model home with the builder’s representative and asked all kinds of questions. Cheryl was very kind, patient, and helpful with all our questions. She had been working with the builder for many years and had a house in the neighborhood herself. So much info to cover in so little time. We left with our heads swimming to go look at the lot we thought we might like by the “lake”.
Mike at peace on our land.

As we stood on the lot I felt peace and joy over take me. All of Mike’s concerns about the commute, money, temporary housing and storage disappeared. He was like a whole new person. I wasn’t sure what to think about the sudden change .. but we had finally found the peace we were looking for. We fell in love with a piece of land. We called Cheryl and asked her to hold the lot for us and made an appointment for the next day for me to work out the details.

That afternoon Mike and I took the mini sketch of the house and all our notes back to the hotel and studied all our options and prices and made an incredible number of decisions from where and how big we wanted the master shower to be located to how to work out parking for a family of six.
Mike had to go to class the next day and I had to go with our realtor, my notes and our price limit in mind to communicate and get in writing everything we wanted in the house and to iron out all the details. I was so nervous. I prayed for God’s favor and a confirmation. First thing out of Cheryl’s mouth was that she had talked to the builder and that they were going to wave the $6000 lake lot premium because it was too small for the promised side entry garage and they would need to put in a front entry garage instead. God is so good!
We went one thousand dollars over our budget and it won’t be ready until Thanksgiving, but it won’t need a bunch of repairs and will be 30 or so thousand cheeper than everything else we were looking at and it will be on the piece of land where we found peace. Mike said that God has so orchestrated this move that He even picked out the exact piece of land He wants us on. 😀
Neighborhood Gazebo.. one lot over from ours.


It may be hard to believe but there is more to the story. 🙂 And you wonder why I don’t blog more..
We put our house on the market just in time for the July 4 holiday weekend thinking that we wouldn’t have offers for weeks and not actually having moving orders wouldn’t be a problem. Getting an offer the first day on the market made us anxious that we might loose our buyers to another house before we got the paper work and made us wonder if or not we should just sell it and forget about the home-sell buy-out program Mike had fought for and won. I know… there we go again not trusting God.
We were expecting our papers on Friday and had told the buyers so on Wednesday. Then after many phone calls, we discovered that it would be weeks after we got the orders before we could sell the house with the buy-out program. Uhrugg!
After much deliberation, we decided to trust God with the buyers and not give up our buy-out program. It would have cost us thousands of dollars more to sell the house with out it. The buyers would have to decide if or not our house was worth waiting for and we would have to trust God to bring us another buyer if they walked. We basically had to put them off indefinitely… they might very well not be able to move in until after school started. That was hard..
To add to our fears, on Friday, our air conditioner stopped working. We tried a couple of things to fix it and hoped it would work better the next day after a nights rest. It didn’t and we suffered through Saturday unwilling to call out a repair man on holiday pay. Finally, on Sunday it still was not working and we had to call someone. Thankfully we had had them come out before the summer season for a check up (sound judgment and wisdom) and got a reasonable price on the repair. Funny how we spent that weekend hoping no one would come see the house while the air wasn’t working after working so hard to get it on the market in time for that weekend.
Friday, Monday and Tuesday dragged on endlessly and there were still no orders in sight. It turned out that the lady that was in charge of putting our orders together was on vacation (how dare she take a summer vacation) and her replacement was not returning our calls and e-mails.
On Tuesday, I watched an episode where Joseph Prince was teaching on the story of Ruth. It was really good. Do you remember how Ruth’s closer relative chose not to redeem her because it would ruin his inheritance? Ruth was a Mobite and by law couldn’t receive an inheritance from God (Israel) so their children would not have received an inheritance.
Boaz was the son of Rahab the harlot from Jericho so he had already experienced God’s grace and favor and become very rich. He experienced what the law could not and through grace and God’s favor Boaz redeemed Ruth.
The part of the story really spoke to me was where the closer relative had to give his shoe to Boaz. It’s a picture of him giving up his rights to take possession. Everywhere our foot steps we are to take possession of the land. The closer relative was a picture of the law. He couldn’t bend to redeem her and still be the law. Jesus redeemed us just like Boaz redeemed Ruth and now the law has no rights over us.
Joseph Prince talked through the Bible about shoes and feet to confirm the idea. Moses is also a picture of the law. The first thing God spoke to him was to take off his shoes…
One of the shoe examples was in the story of the prodigal son. He was given shoes to possess the land when he returned to his father. The shoe thread through the Bible was very beautiful.
God told me to put on my shoes and take possession of the land He was giving me. So, I put on my shoes and took possession of the paper work. We’d already had over a weeks delay and were being promised even a longer delay.
The next morning, the orders came through and after Mike made one phone call letting the person in charge of the buy-out program know that we had a buyer the papers were all expedited and completed in one day instead of the promised weeks. God is so good!
The delay in paper work only worked for our good in that it gave the opportunity for two more people to make bids on the house!
God worked everything to our good! He made it so that the first bank appraiser couldn’t come but so that the second appraiser came right before I started taking apart my house to pack it and helped our realtor help him by finding good comps so that it would actually appraise for the great offer we received instead of the Zillow appraisal price.
Next I’ll tell you about buying a house..

God and Moving

Early in January of this year, I heard the Lord say to me something like, “You are going to move. I am telling you now so you won’t be surprised when it happens.” I wasn’t sure what to think. Was it my mind playing tricks on me?

Then one of our pastors said that God was going bless His people with good sound judgement. Mike caught it in his Spirit and held on to it. Soon after, he felt an urgency to start looking for jobs. I think at one point there were 9 different jobs that he had applied for that he could hear back from at any moment.
It’s kinda fun to dream about where you might get to live next.. but at the same time it’s hard to live the life you have at that moment. Should you spend money on this or save it for the move? Should you plan a vacation when you might be moving that same week? Should you invest in a new friendship when you might have to move just as you’re getting to know that person?
We’ve lived many months.. years in reality.. with things on hold because we might move. I didn’t want to live that way this time. I asked Mike, “Are you sure you really want to do this: you have a nice job, you get to come home for lunch everyday, and I like our life here???” I know. I know. That’s the devil’s line. “Did God really say..?” He kept applying while I worked really hard to ignore the possibility of moving so that I could enjoy where I was.
Mike normally only looks for Air Force jobs because he’s been with them for a long time and it makes the transition easier. One day, he heard God say to look in Huntsville for a job. When he looked, he found a job that he was really interested in and applied. If he had waited one day before obeying God, he would have missed his chance because it was the last day that they were taking applications. He interviewed for the job before our TX trip. We didn’t hear anything for a long time.
I started the summer looking forward to a relaxing time of catching up on school work, painting a couple of rooms in our house, and spending a lot of time in the pool. My plan was to ignore the whole moving thing and enjoy my summer. Mike gave up the Huntsville job and started bugging me with the idea that a job in D.C. was more likely to work out and was I OK with moving to DC?
Do you know what it feels like to have so many things on your heart that if you prayed for them all that you would explode? I was trying to ignore my heart and the possibility of moving, when God opened a little window into my soul and showed me that I really wanted to move to Huntsville and I was not OK with moving to D.C. any longer.
I said, “OK, God.. I wanted to be OK with moving to DC, I was OK at one point, but I am not any more. You made me want to move to Huntsville. Now I want to move to Huntsville. Give me the desire of my heart and quit playing around with me. Are we moving or not? Did you say we were going to move or was that my mind playing tricks on me? I am tired of playing around. You need to show me one way or the other!”
That day Mike was offered the job in Huntsville and all my plans for a nice relaxing summer slipped away. I was shocked. I jumped up and down for joy. I think we both walked around in disbelief for a couple of days. Mike was offered the highest dollar amount that they were legally able to offer him in the promotion, then when he asked they also enrolled him in the home-sale buy-out program which was not originally part of the deal. God is so good!
We gave ourselves 2 weeks to get the house ready to sell. We didn’t want to wait and miss the people who wanted to move in before school started in early August. Our last house took months to sell because we weren’t able to put it on the market until October. The difficulty of having to live in two separate states for three months the last move was still fresh on our mind as it was only a year and a half later.

I wasn’t sure if or not we could actually get the house ready in two weeks. I rented and filled a 10 x 10 storage room with all our books and extra furniture, Mike replaced two sinks and refinished our bath tub, we paid someone to power wash all our moldy concrete, and I painted inside and out: our kitchen cabinets needed a new coat of paint, the sun room was pretty bad, some touching up here and there, and the outside trim was long over due. I am sure I forgetting things. Oh, yeah.. I had to repair the kitchen ceiling. Funny what you discover is unacceptable about your house when you start thinking about selling.

Getting everything done was a stressful but I kept meditating on the verse in Psalm 127 that says, “Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain.” and kept praying that God would do the work through me and give me peace. I’ve failed at enough things on my own to know to ask for help and rely on God’s strength.
After Mike refinished the tub, I took on the job of caulking it. I hate caulking.. it always takes me forever and turns out so messy, but less messy than when Mike does it. The Lord reminded me of the story of the people he chose to build the temple and how he gave them the wisdom and ability to do all kinds of creative, crafty things. I thought, “Yeah, God, that’s a good story.” Then I prayed, “HELP ME like that.” And you know what? He did! I caulked the whole tub area in about 15 minutes and it looked great. No huge mess. Praise God!!!
All through this time Mike was watching our house value plummet on I was feeling a little frustrated with him as he became more and more worried about being able to buy a new house after selling our house for almost nothing. I really felt bad for him. I am usually the one that worries.. even though we both believe it’s a sin. Trust God! Don’t be afraid! Don’t look at the world’s report. Listen to God’s!
The week before Mike got the job I was watching Joseph Prince (my new favorite TV preacher) and he was talking about using anointing oil for more than anointing people for ministry. He had spent some time with a church in Asia that anoints everything from their cars to their businesses with oil, asking and claiming God’s blessing, favor and protection over them, and then receives what they ask for… sometimes in miraculous ways.
Joseph said that he was praying about the teaching and decided to try it out by anointing his house to sell and it sold for top dollar in just three days. I thought.. “If we ever move again (ha ha), I am going to try that.” It was one of those God thoughts.
So we prayed and anointed our house with oil and in the midst of the biggest housing crisis ever we received three bids on our house the first week we had it up for sale. The first bid came on the first day it was for sale. We were unable to accept it because we were waiting on government paper work. While we were anxiously waiting, the competition got stiffer and we ended up with a thousand dollars above our asking price. Our realtor said that there was something about our house that the buyers couldn’t resist. We knew it was the anointing of God.
To be continued….

Worship Flags

There are several things I miss about our church in Florida.  I miss the families and our small group get-togethers most of all.  I miss serving at the food bank.  I miss the two tables that they had set up front for individuals to come down front and take communion during  worship in their own time as they felt lead.  It was a very worshipful experience that you could participate in any service and afterwards kneel at the alter if you wished.  

The another thing I miss is the all the worship flags they had up front.  Sometimes all the kids would come down front and worship with them.. sometimes it looked a little like playing but it really helped them get into the worship.  I am sure it pleases the Lord to see little children dance and play in His presence… maybe even more than sitting very still and bored.  
Since moving here, I’ve had a little bit of a hard time getting into the worship here.  Many of the songs that they sing in my church aren’t to God but just about Him or the church.  I know there are different strokes for different folks and I don’t have a problem with different styles of music.. it’s just that it’s easier for me to worship when I am actually singing to God.  Lately at my church they’ve been singing a few songs that are to God and I’ve really enjoyed waving my hands, singing and dancing to God.  
I’ve noticed while waving my hands that it’s not the same as waving a flag.  Some how having a flag is so much more powerful.  I’d never experienced worshiping with a flag until our church in FL.  It’s awesome.  So I decided to do a little research and make some flags for myself.  
Most the sites I found for making your own flags suggested using a wooden dowel for your poll.  I wanted my flags to swing around my pole easily, but most of the actual flag poles that I found cost around $20 each.  I did find one for $15.  
One of princess J’s friends suggested that I use a baton as my flag pole.  I found some at a dollar store here… for around $4 each.   They work great and at 22″ are the perfect size to use in my house.. no worries about hitting my 8′ ceiling.  I had a hard time choosing a color from my stash of silk.  There were so many colors.  I may have to make several flags.  Here is my first set.
To me the colors stand for righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 
To determine the size I folded my fabric in half with the selvages together and cut 5″ strips (just over 1/8th of a yard).  Then I cut the strips along the fold in two for the two flags.  I used my surger to make a roll hem along three sides.  I purposely created a wave at the ends.  I cut a 2″x5″rectangle out of some interfacing and ironed it on to the selvaged end, then rapped the selvage end around the pole and sewed it on by hand.  
 The bag I made out of an old ripped pair of jeans.  I have a stash of those, too.  I had saved the strap off some thingy that broke.  I made it so that all you have to do is pull on the strap through the button hole to close the bag.    The prettiest bag I saw on line was made out of nylon and had a stripe of fabric to match the flag across it.  That would have been cool… but not free.  
I am having fun using them to worship at home.  I asked the pastor of our church if it’d be OK to bring them to church and he said, “Yes.”  So, Yeah!
Here are what I thought were the two best worship flag sites I found.
I thought these were the best deal:
These were beautiful:
I thought this YouTube video was great!  I’d love to have one of her light purple dove flags.
I am planning on making the kids at church some ribbon rings.  I’ve seen a couple of kids get hit on the head by a flag pole and thought they would be safer.  
Love to you all!

I really want to blog

I really want to blog… I have Mo Ranch pictures and TN pictures.  I had a wonderful time in God’s beautiful world.  Yesterday we drove to Birmingham’s Art Museum and saw pages from Leonardo Da Vinic’s notebooks!  So cool.  They are moving to San Francisco next month.

Selling our house and moving last year forced us to cut back on the best school subjects like science, art and history.. so this year we are doubling up.  Figuring out how to squeeze more hours into my school day has been stressful and has left no time for blogging, but it had to be done and has already proven rewarding.
I think everyone is enjoying school.  The only complaint that I’ve heard is that they’re having a hard time getting all their papers written so I am praying that God will give me wisdom in how much is fair to expect and how to encourage them to persevere.
I am only good at focusing on one thing at a time so all that focus on school has left the house in shambles.   God spoke to me about being faithful in the small things the week we got back from TN.  I asked Him to be a little more specific.. but figured He was talking about the house so I’ve been slowly getting that back under control.
Time with God, resting on vacation, school, house work… then maybe I’ll really get to blog again.
Miss you all.

Where are you hiding?

Every since I was a little girl and went to my first Missionettes meeting and heard about missionaries around the world I’ve always wanted to be a missionary or do something great for God.  It’s good to desire to show your love to God in a great way because His love for us is so great.

When I was in my early twenties, I actually did get to be a missionary in Thailand.  I loved it.  Thailand was a land of beautiful people who were hungry for God, but while I was there I discovered that missionaries weren’t the mystical, angelic people that I had always imagined they were.  They were ordinary people like me.  
They have one of the most incredible jobs.  Some actually get paid to live their dreams of ministering to the people in the country God has called them to, but in day to day life.. sometimes they wonder if that pay will cover the rent and groceries for the week, sometimes they come up against walls and trials, sometimes their co-laborers say and do things that hurt them, sometimes they are the ones stepping on toes, somedays they wonder if they ever heard God in the first place, many times life seems just like the dull every day life in their home country, and somedays they wish with all their heart that they could run away home, get some rest, and see their family.
While I was in Thailand, I experienced a wonderful grace that enabled me to love and lay down my life for the people there, but there were many days that I spent doing the same kind of things I spent doing at home.. cleaning house (yes, missionaries houses have to be cleaned, too), caring for my baby, cooking dinner.. while my husband got to go out and preach and minister to people.
Finally I went to God in desperation, “God, is this what I came to Thailand to do?  I wanted to do great things for You.”  I heard very clearly that day that my job was to “Care for your husband and children.”  He showed me a verse in Titus 2:5.  Now I know that every young wife should know this verse, but to me it was very new.  “To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God not be blasphemed.” After reading that I had to pray again, “Lord help me to be content to be a keeper at home.”  I’ve had to pray that many times since.  
I think there have been times that I was content, but each time I move (way too often) I get excited about what is it that God is going to use me for in this new place and the answer is still the same.  Actually this last time God spoke to me before we moved that my roll as a wife was going to be key.. that I needed to really focus on loving and respecting my husband.  
The funny thing is that when I do get to play a role that’s a little outside my wife/mom roll I freak out… “I can’t do it God!”  Then He has to remind me that “It’s not by might, nor by power, but by his Spirit.”  Many times He has had to teach me the lesson of not doing things in my own strength the hard way.  Even my mom and wife roles are overwhelming at times.. but He is always there to help me.. even in the darkest of nights.
I had more that I wanted to write.. but it’s 7 o’clock and time to put on my mom/wife hat again.

My Camera

See the shadow around the top edges?  The lens snapped out of place.

If I bang it around a little, this is as centered as I can get it.
I hid the screwdrivers from Mike and my Computer Programmer.  They both couldn’t wait to get at it.  That brings up another hard thing about moving so often.. you never get to know where the honest local camera shop, or car shop, or plumber, pool guy, etc. is.  
Picture taking and I are not getting along too well.  I forget to bring my camera.  I forget to get it out.  I am not patient enough or have enough room in my brain to learn how to use the camera properly.  I am shy.  I don’t like to get in people’s faces, so I don’t take the time to get a good picture..  Then my kids are always ducking out of and running away from the camera.  I leave the camera at a friend’s house.  I drop and break the camera. 
Blogging has motivated me to battle the dragon and take more pictures.  Thanks for getting me into it.  

It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

We have been blessed with a beautiful new neighborhood.  
The colors this spring have been gorgeous.  
Princess J and I took our camera along with us on a walk through 
our neighborhood so we could share it with you.  
There is a least one house for sale that I know of ..”Won’t you be my neighbor?”  
Don’t miss the big surprise we found near the end of our walk.

Here is our house.

Our brick color is “Old Chicago Brick”.
 It’s red, orange, tan, brown, gray, yellow, green.. a bunch of colors.
I heard that it was really popular 
when the house was built 
and that people would go and take it off 
old abandoned buildings to use on their new house.  
I’ve always liked red brick.  I like this color especially where the brick is in my house.  
I’ll post more house pictures another day.

Here is the neighborhood park.. just down the street.

Here is the sidewalk that we took up though our neighborhood.

Here is an tabby cat enjoying the beautiful day.
Here is the cherry tree in blossom just up the street from us.

Here is some beautiful spring color.
Azaleas are the pride of Montgomery. 
We are the proud owners of two azalea bushes ourselves.
Remember to watch for the surprise at the end.
There are so many different flowering trees here.  I wish I knew their names.
One thing I like about our neighborhood is that you don’t get that cookie cutter feeling.
 Princess J likes this one.
I like this one.  It’s such a warm, cheerful color.  When we walked by we saw
a lady with orange hair petting an orange cat.. no kidding.
I think she should buy this car from our other neighbor.. don’t you?
Doesn’t this one look like a bed and breakfast?
This is one of two log cabins we spotted.  Hope no one minds that I am taking pictures.
Several houses were flying Easter flags.
We are so blessed to live in the land of the free.
Lots of houses here don’t have a garage.. I really miss having one.  
This one has a car port for shade.
This is one of the few that do have a garage but as my parents said… 
I would’nt want to try to have to park in it on an icy day.
I love stormy weather.
Every neighborhood should have trees like these.
What’s beyond our neighborhood?
It looks so inviting.. I wonder if we are allowed back there.
God is the original romantic.  He thought of creating the flowers.
Surprise!  You’d be surprised too if you found an elephant 
on your first exploration of your neighborhood.

Puzzle Pieces

I read where someone said that moving is like having all the puzzle pieces of your life dumped out and you have to put it all back together.

Having moved to a smaller house a bunch of my puzzle pieces have been going to the dump and Good Will.  About 10 car loads to each.

So far I haven’t regretted letting go of stuff.. it’s only been a couple of months, though.  Less clutter has been nice and having to put all the puzzle pieces back together has given me the chance to look at what I really do need or love.   I am a little concerned that there’s a day coming when I’ll spend ALL day looking for something only to remember days later that I took it to Good Will.

I am finally to the last hardest pieces: finding a place for those things I don’t need often but I wasn’t ready to see go and decorating.. the icing on the cake.  Mom and Dad have been helping me by ordering some large prints of Dad’s beautiful nature photos.   Some of my old art work just didn’t work in this house.  THANKS so much!  I’ll post pictures of them later..

I had some frames that I had put plain Bible verses in before and a bunch of pictures of the kids that I wanted to find a creative way to display.. so ta-da I decided to try to put them together in digital scrapbooking. Here are my first tries using Adobe and some free papers on line.

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