Through Every Season

Hair Cut Day

Hair cut day at our house was long over due.  Two of the boys have decided to grow their hair out.  I don’t make an issue out of it.  It’s their hair and less hair cuts for me.  I do let them know that not everybody is as understanding as me and they may have to cut their hair one day to get a job.

My programmer has been asking me for weeks to cut his hair.  He doesn’t like it in his eyes.  I think the shaggy look is kinda cute on him.  This is probably the longest it’s ever been.

Princess J took lots of photos of me cutting his hair.  This is the best we could do.  My programmer was playing camera shy and had his hand in front of his face most of the time.
I am using a Robo Cutter (link above).  It’s a cutting blade that hooks up to the vacuum hose.  I was a little chicken about using my electric clippers and when the boys were little because they wiggled too much.  After I clipped a couple of ears with the scissors we decided to get the Robo Cutter to make everything easier.  No more itchy hair on their clothes and it’s wiggle proof.
We invested $50 for for the Robo Cutter 15 or so years ago and I’ve only had to replace the blades twice.  Do you know what 15 years times 12 months times 5 boys times only $10 a hair cut equals?  $9,000.  Can you believe such a simple thing can save you so much money?  I’ve even used it on myself a few times.

Ta da.  The after picture.
Back to the bathroom.


  1. Elayne

    Very handsome! Would be very very handsome if he would shave!

  2. Camezi

    I see he finally learned how to smile. lol
    Yeah, I’m saving a boat load of money by cutting my kids’ hair myself. I just have the regular ol’ clippers, though. I haven’t cut anybody, yet.

  3. Camezi

    btw, you have 5 boys?!

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