Can you see the Space Needle? It’s down the street right between our heads. 😀
Way up in the top of this tower (The Smith Tower) taking in the sights.
This is the only day that it rained on us our whole trip.
What’s Seattle without rain? It normally only gets 35 inches a year.
Some places in AK get 200 inches a year.. but had sun just for us.
Miraculous! Thank You, Jesus!
See the round, white ball? It’s a radar. Mike has something to do with it’s existence. 🙂
They have grass and trees growing on some of the roofs!
We learned that their average tempreture in
the Summer is 70 and around 40 in the Winter. Not bad right?
Also they only have 50% humity and the bugs don’t like the dry salty air.
We were surprised by how much we liked Seattle.

On the cruise ship, ready to sail away….
Seattle Part Two (Land Ho!) Cruise photos coming in next post.
We walked 3 miles to see the Space Needle up close this time.
Several glass rain covers around town.
Such a pretty city.
Our hotel room was huge.
Sight seeing again. Don’t we look like we had a great cruise?
Surprising Seattle
So impressed by the Chittenden Locks.
Need a ride down to the sea?
This toll lives under the Fremont bridge.
He’s holding a real VW Bug.
Loved our time away!
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