Through Every Season

I Got an Alien Soul!

That makes 4 cars in one summer.
Mike is now “an expert in buying cars.”
We are hoping that we are done car shopping for a while.
With five cars in the family, it was time for me 
to get a smaller car with better gas mileage.
Before Joel got his car, we were filling up the van close to 3 times a week.
That was pretty rough even though we were taking turns.
It’s kinda sad saying, “Goodbye” to the mommy van.  (Don’t we look sad?)
We can’t all go to church in one car now.. 
but with music practice and youth group we rarely do.
Next time we go camping, we’ll probably have to take 2 cars; not the first time.
The saddest part is that we’ll probably never take another long road trip with 
all of us in one car.. everyone’s schedules make it near impossible.  
The last time we was a couple of Christmases ago when
 Josh was the only one with a job and in school.  
If we’re able to work it out again one day, maybe we can rent a van.
 I picked the “Alien” color so I could spot it easily in a parking lot.  We think 
it looks like a tree.  Judi said it fit me better than the dark gray color.
 I think the back end is cute.  I really wanted a hatch back; this one’s seat 
sits up a little higher than most cars.. I am going to miss being able to see over
 everyone in the van.  I am so brainwashed from having two blue KIA mini-vans.
I broke it in real good the first day.  I was playing with the bluetooth.. 
showing off to the kids on the way to church and scratched it when 
something fell over on in the the garage (I knew a speaker phone 
would be more distracting than holding the phone up to your ear). 
I think the scratch rubbed out… then I took Zoe with me 
to pick up Judi from work and she got sick in it.. 
most (not all) of it landed on her blanket. 🙂
 (Our beloved parking lot)
Joel said.. 
“Judi doesn’t need a car because we already have one in every color.”
She said, “I get a yellow one!”
I think it’ll be a miracle if we manage not to ever hit each other.
Lots of fun car shuffling going on.
I go for tattoos tomorrow.  Say a prayer for me.


  1. Elayne

    love the giant sock Monkey!

  2. Camezi

    i hope this one doesn't get wrecked!

  3. Wendy

    Nice!! I think it's time for SOMEONE to move out!

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