Through Every Season

Closet Organization Projects

I rarely wear any of my jewelry.. 
Mostly because I am too lazy to pull it out from my drawer.  
I saw some jewelry boards when we were in TN last 
and I thought ‘what a wonderful idea’..  
I had a mini bulletin board that I wasn’t using..
Looked in my fabric/linnen closet.. 
I am so happy to have it all out where I can see it and not in boxes anymore.
Found this stained dresser cloth..
Put them together… and added some push pins and jewelry
Doesn’t she seem to be saying, .. “Don’t forget your jewelry.”
It’s so accessible now.

I found some extra space behind my closet door while I was there.
When I found the idea of hanging a packed toiletry bag in my closet
 on “Organize Your Stuff Now”, I was very excited.
I used keep this bag under my sink.. 
It was very messy and unorganized under there and I had
to sit on the floor to dig it out.
Taking it out and packing it.. made room for me to organize 
the rest of the stuff under my sink.. 
Leeanne suggests buying travel sized bottles of the stuff you use 
then refilling them with your large bottles when they get low.  
I do that but I also collect trail sized bottles from our hotel rooms.
With a family of 6 you can use a bunch in a few days.
The toothpaste and floss samples we save from dentist visits.
I take new toothbrushes with us.. just incase someone forgets theirs.
All I have to do when we go on a trip is grab my makeup etc. from my drawer.
I bought this over the door hanger at the same time I bought 
the popup hanger thing for the laundry room.
I didn’t need it in our new laundry room so I am using it to hang 
my extra purses and a straw garden hat from Thailand.
Thanks for taking my closet tour..

1 Comment

  1. Elayne

    I remember that dresser scarf! I wonder which one of our ancestors embroidered and made that lace. It's nice to see it being used.

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