Through Every Season

Camping Part 2

Once I got us across town into the mountains Joel took a turn driving.
Isn’t it a beautiful drive?
We purposely drove through Rome, GA so we could eat at Fuddruckers.  Yumm.

Then it was Judi’s turn to drive.  
Everyone in the back asked me not to let her drive again.  
I am not sure why.  We did get stuck behind an old truck 
for quite a while that was really slow around the mountains.
We stayed at Yonah Mountain camp ground. First thing we set up the tent.
And since I was into documenting everything.. here’s the inside:
Joel and James slept in the middle.
With Judi on one end and us on the other.
In TX we’d take several tents.. but around here they only allow you to have one.  
We’re on our 3rd or 4th air mattress.  Seems like they are always getting holes in them,
but it sure beats sleeping on the ground.  Judi wanted to know where her air mattress was.
I’ll have to remember to pack her one next time.
Hanging out.
We decided it was time to take a dip in the pool to cool off. 
 From the pool we could see the mountain.
It was pretty impressive.  James thought for sure we’d planned to climb it.
All I was interested in was floating down river in a tube.
It threatened to rain on us.. thundered in the middle of the night.. 
but God answered our prayers and we stayed dry.  đź™‚

1 Comment

  1. Elayne

    Beautiful! I'm with James. You should have climbed that mountain.

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