I still haven’t gotten my family photos printed or my Christmas cards sent out. I planned to work on them this morning but my teens did something to my computer and I can’t get my new photos to upload.
These photos are from a few months back. I was so excited when Mike brought home this hummingbird feeder for me.
Months went by and no hummingbirds came to visit; my princess suggested that maybe hummingbirds don’t live here.
The general reasoning was that if they had feeders for sale here they must have hummingbirds. I wasn’t too sure about that. Obviously ‘some’ people would buy them not knowing if or not they had hummingbirds here. So I looked in my trusty bird guide book… no hummingbirds were listed for our part of the country. Then I googled them… still couldn’t find any.
Months later during our biology lab one appeared at my feeder.. I googled again and found that there were several types of hummingbirds in our area.. Hurray!

It was a couple of weeks before I actually got a picture of her. I think she is a ruby-throated hummingbird.
A few weeks later I went to visit a friend who had 5-6 feeders and over 20 hummingbirds buzzing around them. So much fun.

The three youngest and I are doing Apologia Biology together this year. The vocabulary words in the first module were pretty rough.. but we’re getting the hang of it.
We found these mushrooms/funguses in our yard the day we needed them. Isn’t God good?
Most of the time I love seeing stuff in the microscope. Recently we looked at some banana cells. They were so beautiful!

Seven or eight years ago when we first got our microscope we looked at some leaves from a tomato plant we had growing in the back yard and found tiny little spiders and things living on our tomatoes. That tomato plant didn’t live much longer and I’ve never tried to grow anything else to eat. I haven’t admitted it out loud but some were deep inside I believe pesticides are good.
Have you heard about book lice?
No. Yuck! Glad I’ve never found them. I am not fond of old, musty smelling books… usually throw those away.