My good friend, Suzanne, got married this past weekend. We are so happy for her.
After 10 years of living as a widowed, single parent
God has brought her a husband and father for her two sons.
She met Mark over the internet almost a year ago.
I knew right away that he was the one. It took her a while to believe
that God loved her enough to bring her someone who really loved her.
God is so good. Better than any of us could ever imagine.
Mark lost his wife five years ago and had been bringing up her two sons and their
daughter on his own. Both parents are so happy to find someone
to help them love and raise their children for Christ.
Judi and I arrived Wednesday afternoon to help prepare for the wedding.
Judi and Michelle hit it off right away. Michelle’s a year younger than Judi.
Judi helped Michelle with her make up.
Doesn’t she look great?!
Here’s the happy bride with her new daughter. I am so glad she gets a daughter.
Every mother should have at least one of each. Michelle is sweet, smart and a lot of fun.

Here’s the happy couple. They were both so calm and took everything in stride.
Don’t you just love Suzanne’s dress? She looks like a princess!
This is one of the prettiest dresses I’ve ever worn.
I have the groom’s ring on my thumb. 🙂
Aren’t the flowers just gorgeous?

These flower girls are Suzanne’s new nieces. They are just adorable, busy, funny girls.
I smiled for this one. Smiling can be challenging for me. I need someone to make me laugh.

Here is the whole wedding party: Michelle, me, the bride and groom,
Mark’s best friend, his two older boys with Suzanne’s boys on the end.
Here’s the whole family. Suzanne now has more kids than me and a daughter-in-love,
who couldn’t come because she is expecting their first grandchild!

They took this photo outside.. hoping later to photo shop in the missing daughter-in-love.
Don’t they all look so happy together? They really are. I’ve never seen Kyle so happy.
The wedding service was very beautiful, worshipful, full of thanksgiving and prayer.
Everything went very well.. Suzanne and Mark had a ton of help
from friends and family who were all so happy for them.