Through Every Season

Things keeping me from blogging

1) I’ve started walking. Yeah! I’d like to walk 6 days a week and did for the first few weeks but slacked off this last week. The thing is the cool afternoons are turning hot and muggy and I need to be walking now instead of waiting till the afternoon.

2) I learned how to set my DVR to record Joseph Prince. I don’t normally watch TV preachers. I watched Joyce Meyer everyday for a year several years ago and grew leaps and bounds. I still turn her on every once in a while and she always says exactly what I need to hear. She has an awesome message on grace and maturity.
Joseph Prince focuses on trusting in God’s grace and in what Jesus has accomplished for us on the cross. The one question God asks me again and again in life is will I give Him the control and not try to force things in my own strength but trust and rest in Him and allow Him to do the work in through and around me.
Joseph Prince pulls this principle out of the New and Old Testaments and explains how Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament requirements so that we don’t have to. I’ve been watching every sermon at least twice. I am seeing God and the work that Jesus did on the cross in a new and more glorious way.
Religion is always devising things that we have to do to get to God. We like the idea of meeting a list of requirements. It gives us a since of pride and accomplishment but in the end those things keep us from God because we can never meet the requirements in our own strength. Jesus came to give us direct access to God and His blessings through his obedience to God and death on the cross.
3) I made a commitment to myself a couple of months ago to pray in the Spirit more. I spend a lot of time just being quiet while driving, waiting for the kids to complete something etc. I decided that I would redeem that time by praying in the Spirit. I’ve seen it produce the fruits of more wisdom, peace and joy in my life and expect much more to come.
4) I’ve been knitting and crocheting while praying in the Spirit, doing school, meditating on the Word and worshiping. Whenever I start a new project, it takes a little time for me to decide which pattern and yarn to use… but once I get it going it’s just something to keep me happily creating while doing everything else.
I’ll try to write more soon,


  1. Elayne

    We have missed hearing from you!

  2. Wendy

    Enough with the excusses!! BLOG, GIRL!!

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