Through Every Season

A Ponytail for Yard Work

Judi came in the house today laughing and said, “Help, Mom, I might need a hair cut.”

I had to look twice before I understood what was going on.

She had the weed eater caught in her hair!

I ran for the camera.. thought I’d help make a memory, but she ran into my bedroom and locked me out before I could get a photo.

Through the laughter and tears we were able to get her hair untangled bit by bit and didn’t have to cut it.  🙂  Thank God for engine oil.

She’s a fast learner: A ponytail for yard work.

I did get one photo.. of her running out of the house with her weed eater free ponytail.

While finishing up the yard, a spider bit her.. she’s such a trooper.  A shower and a little lavender oil and she was off to work at the Y. again.

Hope your day was better,


1 Comment

  1. Tonya

    Poor Judi! I don't even want to think of how the weed eater wound up in her hair, but I could see something like that happening in our house. 🙂

    I've spent some time reading your blog and "catching up" on your trip to California, your new home decorations and reading some of your struggles, which really made me tear up. You are not alone friend. And though I've dealt with different difficulties, I still understand how easy it is to push God (and others) away. Praying that you are in a different place emotionally now.

    Rod and I spent last weekend in a marraige retreat with our church. The first one we've ever been to in 20 years of marraige. It was so good. It was nice to get away with my husband and to just take the time to reflect and worship the Lord- something I find myself not doing outside of church on Sunday. Sometimes I feel like such a fake. 🙁 Like you, sometimes I just want to feel safe too and trusting in anything outside of our control is not safe. It's a bit scary sometime.
    I'm learning to trust, one day at a time.

    Miss you,

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