My husband, Mike, led a community group in our home this summer called “Resilient Faith” by Mary Jo Sharp based on 1 Peter. The questions were very thought provoking and hearing from and getting to know the individuals in the group was such a blessing. 

As an introduction to our topic in our first meeting, we watched Paul David Tripp’s video on Gospel Hope When Life Doesn’t Make Sense:

One thing really stood out to my husband and I when we watched it this time: 

“Suffering is spiritual warfare.”

Paul David Tripp

I wish every believer understood this and surrounded suffering believers and unbelievers with prayer, encouragement in the faith and loving practical support through suffering.

In our last discussion on the last part of 1 Peter, this truth came to light: 

Loving God and loving others is spiritual warfare. 

Our Community group

Hearing each of these bookend statements honestly blew me away.

I had never heard this in 50+ years of my Christian walk.

Meditating on this and allowing it to take root and bear fruit in my life could be so transformative. 

I spent some time meditating on the last part of 1 Peter and reviewing my notes from our discussion and started this list of things that I am seeing now as spiritual warfare: 

Humbling your self
Surrendering to God
Abiding in Christ
Faithfulness in spiritual disciplines
Casting your cares
Trusting God
Being sober
Resisting the devil
Devotion to prayer
Knowing that others are suffering
Caring for orphans and widows
Serving others
Staying the Word 
Learning what is good 
Living to please God
Leaning on God’s grace
Coming to Jesus for rest
Standing in faith
Growing to understand your hope
Taking joy in your salvation
Looking forward to glory

I also wrote a short list of things we war against:

Selfishness, pride, discouragement, worry, fear, our flesh, and our adversary the devil. 

How? (see previous list)

I am so grateful for the examples and wisdom that was shared in our group… for the spiritual warfare that was waged and I am excited to see the lasting fruit that comes out of it for the glory of God 💕 

In His Love,

Jenny Coleman

“You show me the path to life; Your presence fills me with joy,
everlasting delight is at Your right hand.”- Psalms 16:11