Tag: Answers to Prayer (Page 12 of 12)
One day a few months ago I was praying about what house God wanted us to buy in AL and what His vision was for our new home and life. He put in my heart an idea about setting up a communion table that has continual supply of crackers and juice and an inspirational painting hanging above inviting us to commune with God so that at any time on any day any one at my house could stop and have a quite moment with alone with God.
Later that week I got a devotion by Charles Spurgeon in my e-mail that asked “Is there a Church in this house?” It went on to say, “More is expected of a Church than of an ordinary household; family worship is a must, in such a case, be more devout and hearty; internal love must be more warm and unbroken and external conduct must be more sanctified and Christlike… As a Church let us now draw nigh to the great head of the one Church universal, and let us beseech Him to give us grace to shine before men to the glory of His name.” I thought it was so inspirational to think of your home in that way. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what being temples of the Holy Spirit of God means and I think that your home is a perfect place to express who you are – or want to be. Early in my career as a home maker, before I even had a desire to for my home to reflect God’s love, I had visitors giving me encouraging words that it did. Now I want to do it on purpose.
About the time all these thoughts were going though my head I had a dream or a vision or something and heard God tell me that I was going to buy a nativity set. It was the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard God tell me. I thought, “OK?” The Christmas decorations in the stores weren’t out yet. So, I kept praying about it.
Then a few weeks ago when the stores put out their Christmas stuff I took a day of shopping and visited several to see their nativity sets. I found a couple that I liked but not the one that said, “This is the one.” So, I kept praying.
One day I had some extra time for the computer and decided to do some online shopping for nativity sets. I looked at some Christian book stores, I looked on e-bay, then finally I felt real strongly that I should look at Craig’s list. I almost never look on Craig’s list for anything. When I say I felt strongly that I should look on Craigs list I mean that I thought God was about to yell it in my ear so I looked. I did a search for nativities in the Tampa area and a large Fontanini set came up. I couldn’t believe it.
My MIL had given us a beginner set 19 years ago when we went to Thailand as missionaries. That Christmas in Thailand our oldest (8 months) threw away baby Jesus. He loved throwing things away. By the time I realized it was missing it was too late… so the next year I just took a cotton ball and rapped piece of muslin around it for a baby Jesus and used it for years.
One year a friend of mine in IL bought me a new baby Jesus – I didn’t know you could do that. Then I saw her collection. It was huge, beautiful, a whole village that she placed in niches around her living room with green garland and white Christmas lights. Ever since then I’ve always wanted to collect them but they are expensive and I have had to use many a Christmas check for groceries instead.
So here on Craig’s list was my chance. I knew that was the set God had been talking about. I prayed. The seller said he would take any offer seriously. I called Mike in AL and asked if I could offer $200. I about fainted when he said yes. When I e-mailed the seller my offer he said he couldn’t possibly take less than $500. It was worth $900 so I understood but there was no way I could spend that much.
I prayed some more – I felt like I could go up to $275 and kept watching Craig’s list. Each week he posted a new lower price. I thought for sure someone else would snatch it up. They go for retail prices and up on e-bay. After a few weeks, the seller contacted me and said that he was lowering his price to $275 and asked me if I was interested.
Ta da.. Here it is. Sorry the picture isn’t that great.
I am not sure why God wanted me to buy it –
it seems silly spending so much money on little plastic figures – but it’s beauty draws me to Jesus and maybe it will help my home feel more like the temple God is designing it to be and draw people to commune with Him. And I think I know the perfect place for it in my new home.
God has been doing a wonderful work in me.
He has been gently washing away all my fears and doubt.
He is teaching me to trust Him and in turn trusting me with His heart full of love.
He is crazy about me and I am sure He’s crazy about you, too.
You’ve seen how He dotes on us.
He sends us the most fragrant flowers, beautiful butterflies,
Fascinating birds, reptiles and insects.
You’ve watched the shows His creatures put on for us: from graceful to hilarious!
They’re like an extravagant, singing, telegram of His love.
The majesty of His trees and mountains are astounding.
He put them there just for us to enjoy.
Have you seen the vibrant colors He uses to paint the sunset?
They are only a shadow of the vibrance of His love for us.
Then there are all the things that take our breath away:
the sunrise, holding a new born baby,
the sweet sound of a violin being played by a master,
a giraffe with it’s amazing neck, the soaring eagle,
the wind, the ocean, stars and so many other things.
They are a gift of His glory to us.
As I am drawing near to Him I am learning so much about Him.
He is kinda shy and yet longs for friendship like me.
He loves to share His secrets with those who love Him
And seek a relationship with Him.
He is so wonderfully good. No one could hope for a better friend.
He loves to surprise me, take long walks with me,
To just sit with me in the stillness and hold me in His arms.
When He looks at me with is gentle eyes, I am overcome with His peace
And at the same time His longing to run away with me.
He loves to dance and sing with me and for me.
His playful, joyful demeanor makes me laugh so hard sometimes I cry.
The sound of His voice is so sweet and yet power packed with truth.
His words reverberate through my soul.
I melt under his gentle caress.
I know love is blind.
Because He is always telling me that I am beautiful.
I’ve seen myself in the mirror and in the darkness, too.
But He sees a beauty that only He could have created in me.
A pure, lovely, growing beauty deep with in. I feel it.
The more I seek Him the more I feel it grows.
He is the warm sun, the gentle breeze and the refreshing rain it thirsts for.
Have you ever sensed a thirst for something more than this life has to offer?
Do you know what that something is?
The chasm in us is so big – so much bigger than I ever imagined.
It’s eternal and the only thing that can satisfy us is Him.
He is the fountain of youth, that special someone,
the answer to our search for significance, the ultimate treasure.
The more I get of Him the bigger I realize my hunger is.
It’s awakening out of the dullness I had stuffed it into.
I want to know Him more and more.
I want to live in His presence daily.
I want feel Him moving through me; loving others with His love.
I want to hear His voice and obey with out fear.
I want to wait patiently for Him with expectancy and hope
And trust Him in the darkness.
Close your eyes for a minute.
Shut them to all the hurt, shame and guilt sin has caused you
Then take a look around you at God’s goodness.
It’s still there. You just have to look in the right places.
He is showering you with invitations to His love.
Won’t you come and discover what a treasure He is?
He has made a way for you.
He sent His only Son, Jesus, to demonstrate His love for you
By taking the sins of the world on Himself on the cross
So that you could be free to come and enjoy knowing His love for you.
He is the living water, the bread of life. Won’t you come?
I’ve become a seeker of God in all things;
in His creation, in the stillness,
in the stuff of life, in acts of kindness,
and in the miraculous change He works in those
who come to Him and discover His incredible love for them.
One day I will see Him face to face
and know Him for who He is
and I will be made like Him.
What I am experiencing now is just a taste.
Jennifer Coleman 9/08/07