We didn’t realize it until much later, but we think the storm killed our tree. We found damage low on the trunk.. we think that it must have been blown to the ground then popped back up.
We started from scratch looking for the best tree for our yard. Based on the direction of the wind and the location of our tree and our house we decided that we didn’t want too big of a tree. 🙂
If you want to buy plants in Huntsville, we discovered that Bennett Nurseries is the place to go. They have free BBQ, drinks, live music and a miniature train. It’s like going to a picnic.
A very nice man there spent a lot of time with us showing us and educating us on different trees. We learned that the fact that if you dig a whole in our yard it will fill up with water might not have been too great for our tree either. He suggested several trees that would do well there and took the time to show us grown ones in the nursery.
We took this picture before Judi left as a last ditch effort to get a family photo.
Sun’s in our eyes.. can you tell? 🙂
We normally take family photos in October.
It turned too cold too quick and we never got a good one.
I wanted to thank everyone for their prayers.
They plus the nice distractions God and Mike arranged for this weekend
are definitely helping. I am doing very well. Slept 8 hrs. last night.
Just the fact that I had to pack and clean and that my mom is coming would have
normally made me crazy, but I have a mightier God-peace about the surgery, tomorrow.
I am so thankful for my life and all God has blessed me with and
so glad that He has promised to be with us in the storms,
and that He works everything together for our good.
I have a couple of extra prayer requests:
My mom and Judi are on their way. Made it to AR … and discovered that something is wrong with their brakes. Pray they’ll have wisdom on where to take it and favor to get it fixed quickly, and enjoy the unexpected delay.
When I went to my last Thursday to my first pre-op appointment, we were told that the cat-scan showed two spots on my liver. They don’t think it’s related to the breast cancer, but they were too small to tell anything and want to check it again in 6 months. It was a little hard to take in, but Mike and I both are feeling from God that it’s nothing to worry about.. never hurts to take it to Him in prayer.
My confessions for today:
By your grace I am able to glory in times of trouble, knowing that they develop perseverance,
and character and a joyful, confident hope that does not disappoint because of the love that You have poured out in my heart through Your Holy Spirit. Romans 5:3-5
As I get to know Christ, who called me to and by Your glory and goodness, Your divine power gives me everything I need for life, making a glorious display of Your virtue in me. 2 Peter 1:3