Through Every Season

Tag: Answers to Prayer (Page 9 of 12)

Let Patience Have Her Perfect Work

 James 1:2-4 Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.

Several years ago, once a month, I would have suicidal thoughts.  Nothing ever came of them.  They were mostly annoying.  The worst part was after while, I would wonder if I was crazy or something, then I would start my menstural cycle and find relief in thinking they were caused by hormones.  Now I think what was actually going on was that my enemy was taking an opportune time to attack me.  Eventually, I learned to catch on to what was going on at the onslaught, rebuked the thoughts and stopped having them.  Glory to God!

At the beginning of last week, the Lord dropped the verse above into my heart.  The part about “don’t try to get out of anything prematurely” stood out.  I was hurting and wanted out fast.  Over the weekend my heart had begun to break over my diagnosis.  

Saturday Mike and I went to Nashville for a city tour which turned out for me to be the opposite of a “getaway.”  It seemed like everywhere I turned something reminded me that I wasn’t whole; from driving by the Sarah Cannon Cancer Center, to the mannequins in the Country Music Hall of Fame with two perfectly formed breast (really sad, I know).  

The saddest part for me was that the biggest displays for the biggest “stars” were ones who had died of drug overdoses.  The displays talked about how wonderful the person was, then were deafeningly silent on how to avoid their tragic end.  In the gift shop, I found myself under the old, familiar attack of suicidal thoughts.  This time it came through a different open door.  I prayed in the Spirit and it stopped, but my heart was still breaking.  

Wednesday, I spent the day listening to more of the “Healing School” CDs by Katie Souza.  Session 4 was on the healing of your soul.. exactly what I needed.  One of my deepest desires has been to pray for the sick and see them miraculously recover in Jesus’ name (I’ve had just a taste) then early this year the Lord added the desire to see the brokenhearted mended.  What I didn’t know was that my own heart was wounded and needed healing before I could see my desires fulfilled.  

I had a dream Monday morning about Jesus coming and binding my wounds then taking me into an office where He was cleaning up a mess.  I couldn’t understand how an “office” related to me until I heard the CDs where Katie quoted this verse from the AMP 

Luke 11:34 Your eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye (your conscience) is sound and fulfilling its office, your whole body is full of light; but when it is not sound and is not fulfilling its office, your body is full of darkness.  

The eye is the window to our soul and my soul was darkened by the mess it was in.  Wednesday through Friday were spent with the Lord shining His light on and healing different wounds in my soul.  At first, it was extremely painful.  I was not a very good patient.  I was happy to run away to a field trips on Thursday, Friday and Saturday with the kids.  And I think I was trying too hard. Our part is to trust and rest in His lovingkindness.  

He started with the biggest hurts like the death of my Grandmother and worked down to the smaller ones like when I was a kid and these two doberman pinchers chased me from the bus stop to a friend’s house instead of the boy who had thrown rocks at them.  My body escaped unscathed, but my heart hadn’t.  

I’ve since become keenly aware of soul wounds in others.  Seems like everyone I talk to now mentions a wound in their soul without even realizing it.  Katie said to soak the wound in the “glory light of Jesus” though worship and not to focus on the hurt but on the healer.  She used the story of Moses lifting up the serpent in the wilderness as our example.  Our focus has to be on Jesus lifted up not the snake bite (or in my case the near dog bite).  

I knew from experience that when God shows you something in your heart or way of thinking in your mind that shouldn’t be there, it’s because He wants to fix it.  I have learned to see it as an opportunity to repent and rejoice because of the good work He was about to do in me, yet last week I continued to struggle.  Even going to the grocery store was painful.  I dreaded the cashier’s friendly, “How are you today?” because my answer, “Good.  How are you?” came with a cringe in my soul.  

Finally, God reminded me of the part of Psalm 23 that says “He restores my soul.” I repeated it to myself over and over until the pain lessened.  Now I can say “It is well with my soul.” with joy and peace again.  ðŸ™‚

I am not sure what comes next.  I had a dream that I was sitting at a small, wobbly, primitive table about to be served, but I had no silverware or plate or cup.  Not the way I imagine God preparing a table.  So now I am claiming the rest of Psalm 23.  

 5 You serve me a six-course dinner
      right in front of my enemies.
   You revive my drooping head;
      my cup brims with blessing.

 6 Your beauty and love chase after me
      every day of my life.
   I’m back home in the house of God
      for the rest of my life.

I found this song today and thought it went with my week last week.
We meet with a surgeon, oncologist and radiologist at UAB Thursday morning.

Psalm 63

My verse for today..
Psalm 63
1 O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly;
    My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You,
         In a dry and weary land where there is no water.
 2-4 So here I am in the place of worship, eyes open,
      drinking in your strength and glory.
In your generous love I am really living at last!
      My lips brim praises like fountains.
   I bless you every time I take a breath;
  My arms wave like banners of praise to you.
5 You satisfy me more than the richest feast
I will praise you with songs of joy.
6 I lie awake thinking of you,
meditating on you through the night.
7 For You have been my help, and in the shadow of Your wings will I rejoice.
    8 My whole being follows hard after You and clings closely to You;
Your right hand upholds me.
    9 But those who seek my life to destroy it,
Will go into the depths of the earth.
10 They will be delivered over to the power of the sword;
         They will be a prey for foxes.
    11 But the king will rejoice in God;
         Everyone who swears by Him will glory,
For the mouths of those who speak lies will be stopped.

A few months ago I started gathering a collection of my favorite Psalms.  
I purposely left out all the parts that said things like “God kill my enemies,” because I was thinking in the natural of the people who were trying to take David’s life.  
I felt kinda funny about “editing” the Bible that way
 and knew something had to be wrong with it, but justified myself thinking 
that maybe pre-Jesus it was impossible to love your enemies.. and now 
that we are living in New Covenant times we have grown past those verses. 
I felt pretty strongly about not keeping the verses
 because after learning several years ago that “Hurt people hurt people,” 
I had purposely developed a habit of walking in compassion and 
forgiveness towards the people who hurt me.
And I definitely wouldn’t want God to destroy anyone on my behalf… until now.  
This week a friend introduced me to 
“The Healing School” CD set by Katie Souza of Expected End Ministries.
And Katie reminded me that I do have an enemy.. not of flesh and blood but..
“against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world 
and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Eph 6:12
I love to pray and intercede and war, but my deep desire is to worship 
and sometimes war seems like an added bother.  It’d sure be nice if the devil would
just admit his defeat and give up and run away with his tail between his legs.
He obviously hasn’t.  There is still evil in this world and it’s up to us 
to usher in God’s light and overcome the darkness.  
And we can do it through His strength, goodness and faithfulness.
Worship and war are inseparable and 
that is why they found are together in the Psalms.  
My view of the “Destroy my enemies” Psalms has forever changed.
“Get them God.  Destroy my enemies.  Cut off those who seek to destroy me.
Send them to the depths of the earth.  Defeat them with Your sword!”
I am hearing something like this from God:
I am His child.  He claims me as His. 
I am to rest in the shadow of His wings where His healing
beams are and feast on His love and goodness while He destroys my enemies for me.
He is a great and mighty warrior and in the end I am going to bask in His glory.
Jeremiah 1:8 and 20:11, 2 Chronicles 20:15, Malachi 4:1-3, 
Psalms 23, 24, 36, 63 and 91
I have an appointment here on Tuesday with a nutritionist 
that I hope can teach me how to take better care of myself naturally.

Then another appointment in Birmingham at UAB with a surgeon 

named Dr. Helen Krontiras on Thursday, March 3rd in the morning.
We have to be there early for more mammograms and I am praying:
A. That between now and then my enemy will be defeated and I will
be completely and totally healed and the new mammograms 
will shock and confuse the doctors and 
I will come out of there rejoicing and the devil will be 
so sorry he ever messed with me.
(and a distant) B.  If mammograms show same thing as before, 
God will give Mike, I and the doctor wisdom and agreement about what to do.
Thanking Jesus for His lovingkindness and for teaching me why He 
wrote the Psalms the way He did.. He is so much wiser and higher than I .. 🙂

Having a “Good Day” and Spiritual Warfare

I Peter 3:10 

Whoever would love life 
   and see good days 
must keep their tongue from evil 
   and their lips from deceitful speech.

To me everyday is a good day.  Bad things happen sometimes, but they are still good days because God is good and He makes all things new everyday and is always working all things for my good.  I never judge a day by what happens in it.

Some days are harder than others.  Some days I have to press closer into God to make it through but they are still good days because His mercies are new every morning, His grace and truth carry me through each and every moment.

Wednesday night, I felt something heavy at the pit of my stomach, then yesterday there was kinda a funk in the air.  Before lunch, I decided to take my laundry in my room, close the door and turn on my worship music.  I have an ipod speaker system in my room and often set my ipod to play a random list of songs while I worship in my “closet.”  Every time “just the right song” plays.

This time it was “They that Wait.”

One run through of that song and I realized that I had been attacked by doubt, conquered it, and was set free into joy again.  Worship is a powerful spiritual weapon.  I love it!

When you are worshiping, it’s easy to move beyond keeping your tongue from evil into declaring His wonders with David.

Psalm 40:5
Many, LORD my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare.



2nd Law of Thermodynamics

A couple of months before I went for my mammogram, the Lord began speaking to me about my appearance.  Kinda gave me a pep talk encouraging me to work on it more.

I tend to fall into decay just like the earth under the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.  One of the major reasons I believe it takes a whole lot more faith to believe in evolution than it does in a Creator.

In the winter months especially, there are all those holidays with all that wonderful food, and when it’s cold, I like nothing better than to bundle up in nice stretchy sweats and a hoodie.   Most of my time is spent at home schooling the kids, so what’s the point of looking nice?

The point is our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and we need to do our best to make sure it’s glorifying Him.  It’s much easier for us to reach out and love those around us when are in the best physical shape that we can be in.  Just being in the presence of someone who is physically, mentally and spiritually fit is a blessing.

I’ve known this for a very long time, but have a very hard time with followthrough.  I am praying that as I repent that God will work in me the will and the act of His good purpose (Philippians 2:13).  I have a lot to learn about physical fitness and nutrition.  I don’t want my body to remain in the same condition that allowed the mutated cells to live in the first place.

I’ve made a little progress since Monday.  I have an appointment with a radiologist in Birmingham on Tuesday morning.  She is doing a trial study where instead of going for 5 days a week for 6 weeks of radiation, they are giving it twice a day for 5 days with good results.  The more I read about my diagnosis and radiation the more I move away from the idea of doing any radiation.

My mom has been a great help to me.  She and Mike are both studying and researching with me.  I am so thankful for the Wisdom that they both walk in and their prayers and encouragement.

This is the verse that I keep coming back to.  I am so happy that God is my God and I am His possession.  He makes all things beautiful.

Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; 
   do not be dismayed, for I am your God. 
I will strengthen you and help you; 
   I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.


Monday’s Progress

This is what my day was like yesterday..

Wide awake at 4 AM.
Which was good because I needed to get some questions together for the allergists I was planing to see.  God so totally helped me with them.  Sunday I didn’t have the ability to think straight enough to even start.

6:30 AM .. Drive with James to work.
We are sharing a car right now.  I made him a little late because I lost track of time.. but not too, too late.

7:30 AM..
Run home get ready really quick because I was already behind schedule.

8:00 AM
Run out the door to drop Zoë at the vet for her spay.

I hate being late.. God cleared the roads for me and the GPS got me to my first appointment only 5 minutes after their office opened and 25 minutes before my appointment.

8:30 AM See first allergist..
Actually, I never saw any allergist.. I handed an introductory letter to the receptionist who gave it to the doctor to read over first so I wouldn’t waste time and money if they couldn’t help me.

Both allergist suggested I go to UAB which has a cancer center where I would have a team of doctors including an allergist (I think) work together.

9 AM  See breast cancer nurse for counseling at Breast Cancer Center.
She was wonderful, sweet, a Christian and has an interest in and some knowledge about holistic medicine.. which makes her just perfect for me.  ðŸ™‚  She will be following me throughout my case.

She mentioned a couple of things that were really helpful.
One.  The doctors can give me something like Benadryl before the surgery to help lessen any reactions I might have.  I don’t like to take stuff, so I normally just suffer through.

Two.  Although for the most part my allergy symptoms have only been uncomfortable, they can be prepared to help me if they escalate into anaphylactic shock during surgery.  I should also read more about anaphylactic shock, so that if I do go into anaphylactic shock, it won’t be as scary.

Three.  They caught my cancer so early that it’s actually considered pre-cancerous.  I like that.  ðŸ™‚

10:30 AM  Second allergist suggested I go to UAB.

**Through all this I started thinking about how your body is designed to destroy it’s own cancer cells and how the stress that my corn allergy causes in my body is probably a big part of why it hasn’t.  This is a HUGE thought that I am not sure what to do about yet.. something I am setting at Jesus’ feet.

11 AM  Home for a lunch break..
And a bunch of phone calls to our insurance, to a doctor’s office at UAB, and to cancel appointments here.  And I got a 30 min. nap in.   🙂

1:30 PM Run to Costco for black ink and pick up James for his doctors appointment.
I got to talk to Mike on the phone for a little bit here.  He is starting a new office at work.  They are having a hiring “pause,” which is making it difficult to build a team to do all the work that they want him to do.  He is flying to DC today to work on setting up the people he has there so far and won’t be back until Thursday night.  **He is really getting hit from all sides and needs lots of prayer.

3 PM See James’ doctor
Which is also my primary doctor.. who did a very good job with him.  She talked to him about exercising so that his body could be in top shape and fight off the little cancer cells that develop in each of our bodies everyday.  So now, we all have extra motivation to exercise.

4:30 Pick up Zoë

5:30 Eat and phone calls

6:30 Update Mike in person

7:30 Gymnastics with Judi

I am so glad life goes on.  I wouldn’t want it to stop for me.. 🙂

Bed.. and I slept really good.. Mike said something about the kids accidently hurting Zoë and did I hear her screaming last night.  I didn’t hear a thing.  ðŸ™‚

So to sum things up.. I learned:
Stress is bad.
Allergies cause stress.
Exercise is good.

My next steps are to get in to see a radiologist at UAB so that I can decide if or not I want to totally rule that out, to learn more about seeing an allergist there, and to look over this huge notebook the breast cancer nurse gave me.

Have a great day,


God is Good and on the Throne

I have had some difficult news this week, but God is good and on the Throne.  He has everything under His control, and He works everything together for the good of those who love Him.

I have a secret.  I am more radical lover of Jesus than any of you know, than even I can understand.  I am sorry for keeping it a secret.  I was afraid you wouldn’t understand.  You can be, too, if you aren’t already.  All you have to do is ask.  

I used to see the commandments “Love God with all your heart, soul and mind.  And love others as you love yourself.” as something I had to do.  Then one day, I got sick of my own failure and dared to ask God to help me to love Him.  

You see, our RIGHTEOUS is as filthy rags.  All the love I could muster was filthy rags.  But because of what Jesus did for us we ARE the RIGHTEOUSNESS of GOD in Christ Jesus.  All we have to do is ASK and receive, tap into what Jesus has given us and walk in it.  

God has given me so much through this revelation.  I told him that I was tired of feeling luke warm; He gave me a deep burning hunger.  I told him that I needed to love Him more; He gave me a love so deep that it scares me.  And much more..

Several years ago, He started showing me my sin and the wrong thoughts that were leading me into it.  I asked Him to forgive and change me and He did.  I did NOTHING but ASK and receive.  I was set free by the truth He was showing me.  It’s been a wonderful, growing, freeing give (on His part) and take (on my part) relationship.

This week I went for my annual mammogram and some calcifications showed up on the films that they needed to biopsy.  I had to wait for a couple of days for a report.  I called a friend for prayer the week before and I have felt an overwhelming peace and joy ever since.  

I normally am easily given to fear.  I have a several verses that I speak over myself.. like “When I am afraid, I will trust in you,” “Let not your heart be troubled,” and “Perfect love drives out fear.”  Somewhere in speaking those verses, I realized that fear is a choice just like happiness is a choice and God empowered me to choose not to be afraid.  It was wonderful.  

The report was not what I had hoped.  I tested positive for DCIS which is an early stage of breast cancer that has a very high cure rate.  You can read more about it

The decisions and road ahead of me are not easy, but I know that God loves me and will be with me every step of the way.  I believe that I am the healed (past tense) of the beloved (Jesus, my betrothed) and I know my life is hidden in Him, and I trust Him wholeheartedly.  Actually I am ASKING Him for the wholehearted part as I type.  ðŸ™‚

Prayer request for now:  

Total and complete healing.  
An allergist, who can help me with going though surgery with a corn allergy (if not healed before then).  If can read more about my struggle with corn here.
That I will know the right questions to ask the doctors and have WISDOM and PEACE about what I should do and whom I should let do it.
That my wonderful husband will have favor and be extremely successful in pulling together the new office he is sitting up in his job.
That my children will see what needs to be done around the house and have the grace and desire to do it.  
That I will GLORIFY God through all of this.

Thank you for your prayers.  I love you all very much.  I will try to share all the wonderful secrets that I learn, keep you up to date with prayer request and all the wonderful things God is doing for, through and in me.



Growing Up

My second little duckling got his first job.  Yay!  He’ll be working full time in a technical department, helping people with their computers and programing.  We are thankful for the opportunity and experience he’ll be gaining and for the friend from church who helped him get the job and who will be mentoring him.

Only thing is that now I have to go through the separation anxiety that most moms go through when their kids go to their first day of kindergarden.  Homeschooling is great about postponing things like that.  His first day of work I’ll be dropping him off at 7 am, I will probably cry, and I’ll praying that he’ll do well, be a light for Jesus, and be protected in the big bad world.

I think James is feeling it, too.  He’s been giving me lots of hugs.  I’d never tell any of my kids that I cried when I dropped them off.. or blogged about their new job at 3 am.  They would probably laugh at me (and mostly I wouldn’t want them to worry).

I am so thankful for all the years of homeschooling that God has walked me through, for all the time I’ve had with my children, for the spiritual and personal growth homeschooling caused in me, and especially that I all four love the Lord (and me) despite all my faults and shortcomings.

Soon, I’ll be in new, uncharted territory (for me).. I won’t have any left in homeschool and they will all be living their own lives, but my job won’t be finished.. I will still be praying that they will continue to choose to live them for the Lord, that they will find Him their constant helper and guide, that they will choose and be blessed with full and happy lives, and that they will continue to grow and mature and be a well pleasing fragrance for the Lord.

And and for much more..

Mother Daughter Road Trip

You should see our van.  I’ll try to take photos later today.  It’s so stuffed.. only two girls .. but TWO weeks.  We spent all Monday afternoon taking stuff to the car.  Judi asked she could use a big black trash bag for her clothes.  It seemed a little odd, but I couldn’t think of a reason to say no, and was just glad she had had time to get her laundry done after just returning from youth camp in FL.  Got to love my big washer and drier.  

Judi told me later that she didn’t feel like she had time to plan out outfits and pack them all so threw ALL her clothes in the trash bag. Ha!  I mentioned hoping Suzanne had coset space for us.. she said.. all she needed was the floor.  Any given day, if you were to come see her room, you’d see a sea of clothes on the floor.  I’ve tried saying, “No driving ’till your clothes are picked up.” and that works sometimes…  I told her she couldn’t live like that at Suzanne’s.

Judi and I made it to MO yesterday.  It was a long drive.  Judi drove a total of 5.5 hrs and I drove 3.  So nice to be able to crash in the hotel.  It’s work for me when she drives, too.  

The very minute I started getting a little comfortable with her driving and the road we were on and thought about getting my knitting out she decided to try to throw away something, went off the left shoulder of the road and it was a few swerves before she had control of the car again.  Focus.  Shortly after an 18 wheeler decided to turn left and she just made it around his tail without hitting the car in the right lane beside her.  Does that count as my cardio work out for the day?

The only other scare we’ve had so far was when another 18 wheeler lost his tire and I had no time to go around it.. so I went right over it. It was almost a whole tire and felt a good bump under my car, flew up a little and the CD player stopped for a bit.  The car seems OK.  Thank you, Jesus and all the heavenly angels watching over us!

After lunch, Judi wanted to drive again and before we knew it we were in the Ozarks.  We cut through the Northeastern corner and they weren’t too bad.. up, down and around and around…  They had wide shoulders on the curviest parts.  There weren’t really any speed limit’s there.. just lots of caution curve ahead and a suggested speed signs.  The trucks coming the other way scared Judi at first.. especially the ones crossing the yellow lines but she got the hang of it and enjoyed the challenge.  

We had a good time listening to the new CD’s that we bought for the trip, ate lunch at a Cracker Barrel and dinner at an Applebees; threw away our leftovers because we don’t have a fridge. I found an all natural, corn free soda on a corn free list that they actually carry at this new heath food grocery store near us.  I got to drink a whole soda for the first time in 5 years.  Felt so spoiled.  The root beer was really good.  I won’t make a habit of drinking it.. ’cause they have a bunch of sugar in them.. but it’s nice to have a treat.
We’ve got 4 more hours to go ‘tll we get to KS and the wedding.  Keep us in your prayers.

Struggling with Corn

I’d appreciate your prayers.  I’ve been really struggling with corn lately.

I’ve been having reactions to corn for about 2 years now.  The first few months I stopped eating corn to the best of my knowledge and tried to treat the rash on my neck and chest with natural rash remedies such as vitamin E and C.  It only got worse.  After visiting a herbalist in Montgomery, a whole new world of what corn is opened up to me.  For starters, I learned that my rash “treatment” of vitamin E and C is actually derived from corn.

I found a list of 200 things that can mean corn such as salt, sugar, natural flavorings and many more that I can’t spell.  I started reading labels more carefully and eating more from scratch.  I discovered that I can’t even touch corn with out having a reaction.  It was in my shampoo, tooth paste, everything.  I avoided all I could and started feeling much better.

Then we moved here.  I ate lots of comfort food, gained weight and my rash returned.

Several weeks ago I went back on my gluten-free, ‘corn’-free fast.  Fast – that’s what it feels like – a forced fast, but also a daily offering of prayer as I don’t eat what I’d like to or what is convenient and try to find things that are safe to eat.  Sometimes it seams like it’d be easier just to stop eating all together.

It’s difficult and frustrating to me to try to educate myself on corn – it’s such a huge, complicated subject and I have so many other things I’d rather spend my life on.  Sometimes I wish I could hire someone to come show me what is corn and gluten free, where to buy it and how to cook it.  There are a several Trader Joe’s products on the corn free lists.. we don’t have one…

This summer I’ve been forced into trying to learn more by a bad spell.  It’s not bad now, but constantly irritating under the surface and makes it difficult maintain a pleasant disposition and has led to this post.  I keep discovering things I been eating, drinking or touching that come from corn.  And have I mentioned that we are surrounded by corn fields?  Our house may even be sitting in what was a corn field just a few years ago.

Learning about corn is hard because it’s comparatively a rare allergy to have, it’s basically in and on everything and not labeled as clearly as nuts, or eggs or even gluten.   The research can also be so depressing.  I learned last week that a lot of my other symptoms such as urinary and sinus infections can be caused by a reaction to corn.  Then today I learned that the wax used on the produce in the grocery stores is often derived from corn.  I guess it’s time to find a farmer’s market.

Please pray for me.. healing would be nice.. more wisdom.. lots more patience.. more of Jesus..

I do have one praise report.  Before Passover every year the Jews are required to clean their houses top to bottom.  It’s where we get the idea of Spring cleaning.  They are not to leave on speck of dust anywhere in their house – because it could be a speck of leaven – which represents pride and sin in our hearts.

Passover night they play a hide and seek game where the parents hide 10 pieces of leavened bread around the house for the kids to find.  After all 10 are found they pray something like, “Let any leaven which we have not found be as if it never existed.”  Grace covers the law.  Good thing because it’s impossible to keep.

Remembering this I felt like God said that when I eat in a public place and can’t possibly know if or not the food I am eating is corn free that I can pray, “Let any corn that may be in this food be as if it never existed.”  This was a big breakthrough for me.  I wanted to be able to pray, “No poisonous thing will harm me.” and eat the corn chips and all, but didn’t feel like God gave me that freedom.. so I avoid the things most likely made with corn; salad dressing and the like and pray over the rest.

Thank you,


Love Jenny Quilt

The very first thing I learned to sew in homemaking class was this quilt.
It’s made with two sheets, batting for the middle, and yarn to tie it together.
I embroidered “Love Jenny” on the corner and gave it to Mike 
to remember me by before he left for CFNI.
After just one year at CFNI, the quilt had worked its magic; 
Mike came home to court me, and we married the following June.
The quilt is now over 26 years old and has lived a very full life of miracle making.  
It kept us warm in our first apartment, through four babies,
many camping trips, and has now made it to our newest and hopefully last house.
When I was unpacking this time, I noticed that when you hold it up to the light
you can see right through it and decided that it’s time for it to be put to rest.  
Good bye, old quilt.  Thanks for catching me such a wonderful man
and for the many years of love and warmth.

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