Through Every Season

Tag: Creative Stuff (Page 2 of 4)

Wicking Planters Part 2

The next step in putting together my wicking planters was to 
cover the inside of my overflow pipe with screen and a cable tie.  
This will keep the bugs out of my water reservoir
and keep my pipe from getting clogged.
Next, I scoured my neighborhood for plastic containers.
Just happened to be recycling day.
It’s times like these when I wish my car was a little less conspicuous.  
I washed out then drilled half inch holes in all the containers.
The idea is to make space for your water reservoir and hold up the soil. 
I filled in the rest of the space with old packing peanuts.
Then lava rocks.  
The more containers the less rocks I had to buy.
My little car was more than full.
Our bank account less full.
Almost forgot to mention the filling tube.
I cut the end of at an angle to add to the ease of filling water reservoir. 
See it in the corner below?  You stick your water hose in your fill pipe and 
fill your reservoir until your overflow pipe lets you know it’s full.
Your soil wicks up the water as your plants use it up.
The air pocket left when the water is used up is also very good for your plants.
The only time your soil gets soaked is when it there’s a down pour..
and even then your plants won’t drown because 
the extra water will drain out your overflow pipe.
Genius. Right?
I knew I had enough rocks when it looked soupy.
 I lined up all my soil components.
I read that the best mix for my flowers is 
1 part top soil
1 part compost
1 part perlite 
I bought two different kinds of compost.
Cow and chicken.
The chicken has this written on the bag
“As oder free as naturally composted poultry waste can be.”
Can be translated.. “IT STINKS!” 
I will never buy it again.
 and more bags.
 I used every last bag, too.
 This planater was leaking..
Joel and Judi helped me empty it out.
I re-lined it in the rain.
 Before filling with dirt, I lined the planter with screen
to help keep the dirt from falling into the water reservoir.
You can see it in the picture above.
This one’s ready for the bulbs.
Five in this box.  
In the spring I plan to buy some other flowers to plant with them.
In my research I learned that their blooms only last for 3 weeks. 🙁
So much work for 3 weeks.
But hopefully they will bloom for years to come. 
My last batch of soil.
I really enjoyed the hard work.
So nice to be feeling up to it. 
Here’s the box topped off with mulch out our back window.
Can’t wait to take pictures of the flowers 
overlooking the lake next spring. 
Boxes in the front.  Should get plenty of sun.  Yay!
Now I need to power wash the clay off our sidewalk.

Wicking Planters

When Mike and I were in Alaska, we saw these awesome purple flowers.  I remembered seeing them in San Antonio too and loved them.  We found their name on google: “Purple Sensation Allium” and discovered that they are related to the onion and come from a bulb that you plant in October.
Mike surprised me with 22 bulbs for my birthday! 🙂 
My thumbs are far from green so I started doing lots of research 
on how to care for them and discovered that they will rot in clay soil..
which is exactly what we have.. so I did more research..
About this time, the weather turned cooler and Mike started taking me and 
the dogs for walks.. wonderful.. feeling so much better.
One afternoon, I spotted this climbing wall etc. out for the trash 
and thought, “Those would make great planters.”
They wouldn’t fit in my car so one of Judi’s friends 
came by with a truck and picked them up for me.
A random hot air ballon flew over our house.
At first, I thought they were red wood, but while Joel and I 
were cutting them down to size we realized they were just pine 🙁 
So I bought some 5 year stain to help them last longer.
While I was waiting for them to dry, I started wondering how I was 
going to water these flowers.  I am always killing plants 
with either too much or too little water.  
So I googled “how to water your planters” and learned about “self wicking planters” and “earth boxes.”  
They are watertight planters with a water 
reservoir in the bottom and an overflow pipe so you can’t overwater them.
They only need to be filled about once a week.  Sounded great to me.
I did a bunch more studying and shopping and here’s how they went.
Josh, Joel and Mike helped me dig out the water reservoirs.
I cut an 1″ hole for the overflow pipe.
 I used WeedX in the bottom of the planters to help
protect the plastic liners from rock punctures.
I have a bunch and it’s not good for much else.
After a bunch of reading, I decided to make the water reservoirs
between 8 and 12″ deep and the soil 13″ deep.
The water will only wick up through 12″ of soil. 
 I used 8 mil. plastic liner.
 Measured and cut it.
 It’d make a great green house.
 Folded and stapled the corners over.
Enjoyed the fall scenery. 
 Ta da.. watertight planter.
 I had to be really creative with the overflow pipe.
Spent an hour at Lowes thinking in the plumbing section. 
I needed something to go through the wood 
and plastic and be water tight.
I used 3/4″ nipples and adapters..
Punched a small hole through the plastic.
Squeezed the nipple through the plastic and the 1″ hole I drilled.
Then used a bunch of silicone calk
and tightened the adapters on snugly.
Then I went in for breakfast while I waited for it to dry.

Busy Week with Mitch and Nana

I decorated for fall for the first time.  
I think I am normally just too busy with school this time of year.  
 I bought these flowers last December at 80% off with 
the intention of making a wreath.  At least I got them out.. 
and I made the pumpkins from scratch with some found wood.
Back in in 2003, after we’d just moved to Florida, I ended up with 
second degree burns on my right arm after opening this pressure 
cooker while it was under pressure.  I was tired, wasn’t thinking clearly, 
and couldn’t find directions on how long I should cook the fresh 
corn on the cob I had just bought from the vegetable stand.
 We decided to make chili for Mike’s parents one night last week, 
and I took some time to look up the best way to cook dried pinto beans, 
because ever since I started making my chili in the crock pot 
my beans had been coming out crunchy – yuck!
I found the national bean council’s suggested method for 
“gas free” soaking:  Wash, cover with water, boil 3 minutes,
 cover, set aside over night, rinse, cook.

Then I stumbled upon a you-tube video on pressure cooking beans,
and decided to conquer my fear and try it out.  It worked great!  
Just 12 min. under pressure and they were done.  
Way better than 2 hrs. simmering on the stove. 
Can’t wait to try out some more recipes. 
While the chili was simmering in the crock pot, we got to go 
to an open house at Mike’s work.. first one they’ve had one in years.
All the kids had off work and Mitch and Nana had just happened to plan 
their visit at the right time.  It was great to learn about what all his office does.
We’d planned to pick up our favorite BBQ another night..
only to discover that Chuck Wagon was closed because they had a booth
at the 45th Annual Tennessee Valley Old Time Fiddlers’ Convention.
How fun.  We had no idea what we’d been missing all these years.
Gatherings of fiddlers playing blue grass while dancing.. gospel singing.  
Banjo, dulcimer, dobro, harmonica.. all ages.. competing for the title of
 Tennessee Valley Fiddle Champion.  Food, arts and crafts, perfect weather.. 
Can’t wait to go again next year.
Saturday we went up to Fort Payne to show Nana Little River Canyon Falls.
 The weather was perfect all week.
 And Fall was really starting to show it’s colors.
 We took the scenic drive.
 Saw some hawks.
 Had a really good time.
 Got a few pictures.. but the sun wasn’t especially corporative.
 Sunday afternoon we had a partly cloudy day 
and decided to try for a family picture.
 Took a ton of pictures.. this was the last one.. somehow the last one 
usually turns out to be the best one.. glad we took “one more”.
Our eyes are a little squinty.. but it’s better than last year.. we never got one.
It was great seeing Mitch and Nana.  Judi won every game she played..
didn’t matter who her partner was.  The boys had a couple of days
off work and it was great to get in some family time.

Christmas Ornaments in July

For the last 12 years I’ve been buying the kids 
each an ornament at the after Christmas sales.  
For a while they enjoyed receiving them and hanging 
their individual ornaments on the tree, but the last couple of years 
they’ve decided that that decorating trees was a waste of time
and can’t understand why I would even buy them any. :-/
So last December, I decided that it was time to put away their ornaments 
and collect some ornaments for myself and have a more grown up tree.
I got 20 of these ornaments at Trees and Trends 80% off on New Years weekend.
I like the colors because it goes with the soft colors in my home.
I knew I wanted to make some ornaments that were centered around Jesus;
 nativities and/or had the names of Jesus on them, so I started looking ideas on how to 
make them and started studying my collection of lists of His names.
I decided to make quilted ones because I love to hand sew 
and thought they would last a long time (maybe survive the pets). 
At first, I thought I would embroider His names on them,
but quickly decided that it would be faster/easier 
to print them on the computer.
I designed 5 different styles of ornaments using Photo Shop on my computer.  
I am making 5 of each ornament shape with different names 
so that I will have 25 in all and around 150 of Jesus’ names.
The kid’s first reaction was, “They are so big.”  They are about the size of my hand.
I wanted the print to be easy to read standing a few feet from the tree.  
And I’d found so many names that I loved, so they had to be big enough to hold them all.
I’ve completed the first 5. I pieced the first 10 together before
our trip to Alaska so I could work on them on the planes.
It’s taking a lot of fiddling to decide on how to embellish them.
I am not sure I am in love with how they turned out.  It will be strange 
to see them on the tree this coming December (I hope I get them all done).
I am working on embellishing the second set of 5 now.
They are more centered around Jesus as the Lamb of God and have a little lamb 
at the bottom instead of a cross that I am trying to decide how to embellish.
 Maybe they won’t survive the pets.  🙂
 Maybe I should be looking into getting some cat/dog repellant.

Mini Verse Books

I love having Bible verses with me to read when I am out and about.. 
I’ve taken mini verse books with me to Judi’s gymnastics classes, 
to pray over at the abortion clinic and to many doctor visits.  
They’ve been a great tool for re-focusing my mind 
and calming my spirit during this difficult time.

To turn a collection of verses into a mini book I first
divide my text into two columns and make the font very big.
I usually use Veranda 16.  I like Veranda for it’s clarity.
When I remember, I number the pages to help me keep them in order later.

 Next I go into the print menu and under “layout” choose
to print 4 pages per sheet from left to right.

 Then I use a paper cutter to cut each page across the middle in half.

 Then I fold each half page in half with the print on the out side.
The fold makes a very nice, thick, page edge for easy turning.
As I fold them I stack them in page number order.

 Next I design a cover on a page length wise so that it’s wide enough to
wrap around the pages and trim with a little bit of a lip left over.
I print it on card stock and trim it to fit.

 Next I use a nail to punch holes through the cover and pages for binding.
I’ve tried paper punching and drilling the holes.. the nail seems easiest.

I use this crayon holder the boys made in Royal rangers for the nail to punch into.
I’ve seen home made clamps with holes drilled into them made
especially for book binding.. maybe I’ll make one one day.

To finish up, I take some thick thread and sew it together.
I’ve been happy with how the books have turned out.
They last a long time.  🙂

Thankfulness that Fills Me with Joy Part 2

In April, I posted about the collection of favorite verses 
and confessions that I was rewriting into praise.
You can read the post here.
Now I am going to tell you what I did with them and how they help me
focus on the kind of thankfulness that fills me with joy.

I’ve been taking collections of verses and turning them into mini books
that I can carry with me in my purse to read and/or give away for a while now…
More about that in my next post..

When I first was diagnosed with breast cancer, I took all
the healing verses I had collected over the years and found a wonderful
PDF put together by Joyce Meyer on healing confessions (her link)
and made them into a mini book .. I read and researched it more
than I did the stuff on breast cancer.. I had to to keep my sanity.  🙂

This time I wanted something different.  I wanted to be able to have them
a little more accessible than in a book.. eventually I’d like to have
them hanging on the wall and have a plan for that ..
a project for when I am feeling better.. 🙂

As I re-wrote the verses. I used photo shop to turn my verses into little colored, round tags.
This was great therapy because I got to spend so much time with each verse.

Then I used this great circle cutter by EK Success
that I got at Hobby Lobby for 40% off to cut them out
and put them in this little bowl.

I took them with me to the hospital.. 
they are great.. like popping pills of joyful praise.  🙂
You are my Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, 
and Standby), who abides with me forever; John 14:16
Reading them out loud works wonders.
Sometimes I re-read the same one several times 
to make sure it soaks in real good.
I am filled with hope when I remember that Your great love never ends and that 
Your tender compassions never fail.  Lamentations 3:21-22
The more I read them the more joyful I am.
I love that I can pull them out of the bowl at random.
On bad days, I make it a point to stop and read more often than others.
 I will not be wise in my own eyes, but worship You alone and turn from evil.  
It is healing to my body and refreshment to my bones.  Proverbs 3:7-8

Scrapbooking Up a Storm

I normally scrapbook 5 to 7 pages once a year starting in October 
and send copies to my family in Texas as Christmas gifts.  
Kinda narcissistic, I know, but I do it because I love to receive scrapbook 
pages in return of their families.  Does that make me even more narcissistic?
We don’t get to see each other often enough and I love to see pictures of my 
nephews and niece and what they are doing in scrapbooks and on my sister’s blogs.
This year we met them in Arkansas in October, then my in-laws came 
to visit in November.. so I didn’t start scrapbooking until December.
It’s January now and a record breaking 29 pages later 
(we did a lot this year) I am still scrapbooking.
I only have 3 or 4 pages to go.. I will defiantly not be sending copies of them all.
Choosing which pages should go to who might be challenging.
I’ll try to pick the ones I think the kids will enjoy the most.
We had had snow Christmas day.. that added these 3 pages.. 
We had 4-6 inches of snow over Christmas weekend.. a new record for Huntsville.
Missed church because the roads were icy.
Josh got to help build the snowman this time.
He actually took the lead and insisted perfection out of Joel and Judi.
They spent over an hour on him.
James hid out in his room on the computer.  
I should have made him come out for the last picture.
So happy to have so many pictures to scrapbook.  🙂

Broken Bed Becomes..

Last move, I built beds for Joel and Josh that quickly broke 
when they and a friend decided to wrestle on them.  
Not intended for over 500 lbs.  
I rebuilt their beds with thicker, more boy resistant boards.
I used the broken boards to make these extra large scrabble letters this summer.  
Our family motto is “Blessed to Be a Blessing” from Genesis chapter 12.
I also made this un-paper towel holder from their broken bed.
I moved the roll of paper towels to the cabinet below for really yucky messes.  
I had the cotton, towel fabric in my closet from Mamalene.  
I used her surger to make napkin sized towels and stuffed them in the top.  
No folding necessary.  I like them better than paper towels.
They are softer and stronger and I like thinking that I am saving trees and money.
I used mod podge and scrap scrapbooking paper to make it look a little cuter. 

Judi’s Room Make Over

When we moved to Montgomery, we bought Judi a bed in a bag set of the internet. 
Had I seen it in person, we would have never gotten it.  It started falling a part almost immediately.
This time we tried something different.  
I didn’t want to re-paint her brand new room and I didn’t want to spend a bunch of money so..
We were inspired by my sister, Wendy, to shop the clearance isles for a black and white bedroom set.
It’s much easier to mix and match when everything is black and white.
Much easier than matching shades of red for example.
We were able to find everything we needed in 3 different stores for about $40 total on clearance.
The demask “curtains” pulled everything together and made it work with the paint color.
We used some black fabric from my closet to make accent pillows and a valance.
 The ribbon cost more than anything else, but we put it to good use.
We “made” the curtains out of a duvet cover; we just hung it up with ring clips.
Judi and I are both happy with how it turned out.. a feat in itself.

Summer Sewing

I’ve been sewing.. and even Judi decided that she wanted to learn to sew!!  
Just a day or two after I had resigned myself to the fact
that she’s not like me.. she has different interest and
I should just accept her for her beautiful self, she saw this
fabric and decided that she wanted to learn to sew.
We made this shirt together.  Isn’t it cute?
I read about a couple of new games while reading some blogs 
and decided that I had to make them to play with 
all my nephews and my only niece (so far) at our family reunion.
The ones on the blog were made on poster board.. I decided to quilt them – 
I made one game quilt for each family.  Can’t wait to teach them the games.
This side of the quilt is for checkers – 
I found the cute bug/nature fabric at Hancock’s – all the other fabric I had in my closet.
I love the little bag for the felt checkers.  It snaps onto the quilt on the other side.
Did you know to make three sets you need 72 checkers??
I think if I had known before I started I might have thought twice –
but I am a sucker for games.  I got a lot done while watching TV.
I embroidered a little crown on one side.
The cups are for a super Tic-tac-toe game on the other side.
You can look up “Gobblet Gobblers” on youtube if you’d like to learn how to play.
I also re-invented another game that I am calling 
“Don’t Spoil Your Dinner” to play with M&M’s on this side.
With my corn allergies – I’ll probably be playing with raisins.
I made these cami/dickey things yesterday.  I wish I’d known about them
years ago when shopping for modest clothing became so difficult.
They were so fast and easy to make and to top it all off
I had all the fabric and snaps sitting in my closet, so they were FREE! 
I have a confession to make.  I sew while standing up.  
Notice that my sewing machine is sitting on my island?
Every house is different.  I discovered while making the quilts that 
if I sew while standing, it’s a lot easier to get to my cutting mat and ironing boards.
I don’t have to slide out a chair and stand up – I just walk over or around. So nice.
To make the cami/dickey things all I did was cut them out so the top corners
will rap around my bra straps, hem the top edge and sew on snaps.
I didn’t bother to hem the other edges – they won’t show or fray.
And look how modest I can be now!  In just a snap.  🙂
One last project to share. 
(If your name is Suzanne, you have to wait a week before reading below.  
I am guessing that you’re way to busy preparing for your wedding 
to be reading blogs right now.  So stop reading and get back to work.)
I am not good at giving or receiving gifts.  Since God is strong in our weaknesses 
I’ve learned to pray and ask Him to help me think of and find 
the perfect gift when the occasion arises.
A few weeks ago I needed a baby shower present for my friend who recently adopted 
a precious baby girl, Emma.  I had already made and given her a crocheted blanket – 
turned out to perfectly match the colors of her room – I’d never seen but God knew.
She was so cute – offered to re-wrap it and bring it to the shower for me.  
But I had already prayed and God had worked.  He put it in my heart 
to give her a parenting book I have called 
“Raising your Child for Christ” by Andrew Murray.  It’s an awesome book!
My favorite parenting book.  I only had a couple of days and didn’t think I’d be able to 
find her a copy, so my response to God was – “She can’t have my copy!”  
Since then I discovered that it’s still in print and available on Amazon.. 
so I might be more willing to share my copy with someone else.  
God  took me up on the challenge.  
Mike and I were on an Anniversary trip in Chattanooga, TN at the time.  
We had some time to waste after eating lunch and discovered that there was a 
(you’ll never guess) a used book store next door.  We decided to go in.  
I found a copy of the book on a shelf lying there all by its self – the only book on 
that particular shelf – it was like God said, “I win.  I am able to provide.”
So months ago, before I actually knew Mark and Suzanne were requesting that
no one bring gifts – they are both widowers and have to merge a LOT of stuff into one house,
– I prayed and had this idea.. 
again I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to find anything like it – but God provided.
I found the plate and goblet at a local antique store.  
I was so happy to find a matching set in the last booth of the store.
I discovered that you can actually buy “communion chalice” sets on line.  
They don’t have a cool bread cover like the one I made,  
but I am thinking about buying a set for myself like this one for my birthday.
I made the cover with my surger, some hand embroidery and a crochet edging.
  Drawing the design was the hardest part.  I hope it’s not too fussy.  
I was very happy with how the crochet edge turned out.
It took a lot of experimenting to find an edge I liked. 
Having communion at home with family and friends is one of my favorite things to do.
I hope these will help inspire her to try it.
Want one?


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