Through Every Season

Tag: Thoughts (Page 9 of 16)

The Law: Nailed to the Cross

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My favorite TV preacher is coming to Joel Osteen’s Church!

Details here

I love Pastor Prince because he teaches what
most pastors will not; what I believe to be the true gospel;

the gospel based on the Word, on Jesus’ finished work,
on grace and freedom from condemnation;
the gospel that really is good news.
My DVR is full of Joseph Prince teachings.  
Every time I watch an episode, I come away mouth gaping; 
feeling full and excited about Jesus,
about how much He loves me,
and how much grace God has provided for us.
It still blows my mind that GRACE is the MEAT of the Word.
One thing I love about Joseph Prince is that 
I almost never catch him taking a verse out of context. 
When it sounds too good to be true,
he will show you from the Hebrew/Greek 
exactly what the words mean/say.
I love it!
This week I saw this verse in a new light.
(Pastor Prince’s teaching was much better/fuller than I can share here,
but I’ll try to share just a tidbit of what Holy Spirit 
is helping me to understand from this one verse.)
Colossians 2:13-14  (NKJV)
13 And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh,
He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses,
14 having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us,
which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way,
having nailed it to the cross.

A. We were dead; He made us alive with Him.
B. Wiped out the “handwriting of requirements” – Whose handwriting?  
His own handwriting; the law; the 10 commandments written with His finger.
C. The law was “against us”, “contrary to us”.  It does not help us.  
The Holy Spirit alone is our helper.
D.  “He has taken it out of the way”.. The law stands in the way of our relationship with God; it condemns us (Jesus does not).
It makes us feel either guilty or prideful (when we fool ourselves into believing we are keeping it).  
We run from God when we feel guilty.  
God stands against us when we are prideful.
E. “Nailed to the cross,”  “forgiven”.. both past tense.  
We live in the present!  Hallelujah! Where we are forgiven and where 
there is nothing left between us and God.  
We are free to draw near in boldness.  The only requirement is: believe.
Part of the reason I never “saw” this verse before is because other versions
have translated it differently.  True grace is so beyond our comprehension that 
translators think it must mean something else than what it actually says.

I still love this verse from Galatians.

Galatians 3:1-2 (MSG)

  1 You crazy Galatians! Did someone put a hex on you? Have you taken 
leave of your senses? Something crazy has happened, for it’s obvious that 
you no longer have the crucified Jesus in clear focus in your lives. 
His sacrifice on the cross was certainly set before you clearly enough.
2-4Let me put this question to you: How did your new life begin?
Was it by working your heads off to please God? Or was it by responding
to God’s Message to you? Are you going to continue this craziness?
For only crazy people would think they could complete by their own efforts
what was begun by God. If you weren’t smart enough or strong enough
to begin it, how do you suppose you could perfect it? Did you go through
this whole painful learning process for nothing? It is not yet a total loss,
but it certainly will be if you keep this up!

I am so happy to be free from the law;
from condemnation; the power of sin and death;
To have the Holy Spirit leading and directing and perfecting me;
To have the Sabbath Rest that He promised;
the rest that leans on, believes in and trust fully in Jesus and His work;
to have the true JOY of my salvation.. and so much more.

Thankfulness that Fills Me with Joy Part 2

In April, I posted about the collection of favorite verses 
and confessions that I was rewriting into praise.
You can read the post here.
Now I am going to tell you what I did with them and how they help me
focus on the kind of thankfulness that fills me with joy.

I’ve been taking collections of verses and turning them into mini books
that I can carry with me in my purse to read and/or give away for a while now…
More about that in my next post..

When I first was diagnosed with breast cancer, I took all
the healing verses I had collected over the years and found a wonderful
PDF put together by Joyce Meyer on healing confessions (her link)
and made them into a mini book .. I read and researched it more
than I did the stuff on breast cancer.. I had to to keep my sanity.  🙂

This time I wanted something different.  I wanted to be able to have them
a little more accessible than in a book.. eventually I’d like to have
them hanging on the wall and have a plan for that ..
a project for when I am feeling better.. 🙂

As I re-wrote the verses. I used photo shop to turn my verses into little colored, round tags.
This was great therapy because I got to spend so much time with each verse.

Then I used this great circle cutter by EK Success
that I got at Hobby Lobby for 40% off to cut them out
and put them in this little bowl.

I took them with me to the hospital.. 
they are great.. like popping pills of joyful praise.  🙂
You are my Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, 
and Standby), who abides with me forever; John 14:16
Reading them out loud works wonders.
Sometimes I re-read the same one several times 
to make sure it soaks in real good.
I am filled with hope when I remember that Your great love never ends and that 
Your tender compassions never fail.  Lamentations 3:21-22
The more I read them the more joyful I am.
I love that I can pull them out of the bowl at random.
On bad days, I make it a point to stop and read more often than others.
 I will not be wise in my own eyes, but worship You alone and turn from evil.  
It is healing to my body and refreshment to my bones.  Proverbs 3:7-8

Thankfulness that Fills Me with Joy

This post probably needs much more attention than I can give it today.
Last night the incision lines across my tummy started turning red..
so I am back on antibiotics which means;
I am fighting foggy brain, headache and yeast again.
Plus it’s that time of the month which makes it all a little more difficult to endure.

Since I have begun finding joy in Him,
I’ve been on the constant look out for things to be grateful for.
I am so very greatly blessed.. I have such a wonderful family..
that alone would be enough, but I have so much more,
and if I lost my family and all, I would still have Jesus with me..
and He alone is more than enough to fill me with thankfulness.

Since the beginning of my breast cancer diagnosis,
I’ve been thankful for many things;
thankful that God is still God and that He loves me,
thankful for how wonderful Mike has been through it all,
thankful that Jesus paid the price for my healing..

And thankful that things are not much worse;
thankful that they caught it early,
thankful that I didn’t have to do chemo,
thankful that I wasn’t loosing an arm or something much more dear to me,
thankful that I am young(ish) and healthy(ish) and should recover quickly.

At my last appointment in Birmingham, I met an older woman,
who had a similar surgery to what I had and had one breast that
would not heal.. 5 total surgeries on that one breast to try to correct
things.. still has a drain and is still on antibiotics..
I really have a lot to be thankful for..

This morning I started to wonder if it was right to let my
thankfulness wonder in that direction.. If it was right to take comfort
in the fact that my discomfort isn’t as great as someone else’s.

I am still praying on this..and I am beginning to realize that
that kind of thankfulness doesn’t fill me with the same kind of joy
that I get when I am thankful for example.. for God’s goodness.

Honestly, for me.. I think being thankful that things are not much
worse is a form of self pity.. and part of the problem with it
is that things can always get much worse… and that thought leaves me afraid.
I learned long ago that fear and joy don’t mix (nor do joy and anger).

So I am going to choose not to allow my thankfulness to wonder in that
direction for now.. concentrate on being thankful for better things..
hang on tight to the joy God has given me and not let anything steal it away.
(More on how in my next post.)

Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.    James 1:2-4 MSG



Found a New Favorite Movie

My Top Ten Favorite Movies
I’ve been spending lots of my time watching movies lately.. 
So i thought I’d share with you some of my favorites.
The King and I (1956) – 
My favorite movie for 20 or more years.. 
I lost count of how many times I had watched it after 39..  
“Shall we dance?”  “One, two, three, and..” 

Ever After: A Cinderella Story (1998)
When it comes to this part of the movie, my whole world stops.. 
Danielle: It is not fair, sire. You have found my weakness, but I have yet to learn yours.
Henry : But I should think it was quite obvious.  
…it reminds me of a meeting I had once with Jesus in a dream.
Fiddler on the Roof (1971)
Tevye: You are just a poor tailor!
Motel: That’s true, Reb Tevye, but even a poor tailor is entitled to some happiness! 
“If I were a rich man!”
Pride and Prejudice 
I don’t know which I like the best – 
I own all three:
the book, the BBC version and this one (2005)
 “Nothing is more deceitful … than the appearance of humility. 
It is often only carelessness of opinion, and sometimes an indirect boast.”
Little Women (1994)
The book is way better than the movie.. but I still like the movie..
“Oh, Mother, if I’m ever half as good as you, I shall be
satisfied,” cried Jo, much touched.
The Sound of Music
I love this movie more every time I watch it.
“Fraulein, is it to be at every meal, or merely at dinnertime, that you intend on 
leading us all through this rare and wonderful new world of… indigestion?”

Ushpizin (2004)
If you haven’t seen this one, I have extra copies.. 
wonderful, wonderful movie about love, hope and forgiveness
 The Last Sin Eater (2007)
Wonderful story of redemption and salvation 
based on a book by Francine Rivers.

Bed of Roses (1996)
In this one, the couple lives together before getting married..
so have the fast forward button ready..
But I still love the Cinderellaish story.
“I noticed the other morning you didn’t order any breakfast. 
I wasn’t sure if that was because you weren’t a breakfast eater… 
or because you thought I was gonna kill you” 
And for number ten.. a movie I saw for the first time today
An Affair to Remember (1957)
I first heard about this movie while watching “Sleepless in Seattle”
and had wanted to see it since.  I loved it!  Best ending of any movie ever.
Scared the kids a bit by all my crying.
  “And all I could say was, “hello”.”

Favorite Verses Turned into Praise

I’ve been collecting favorite Bible verses ever since I was a teen.  I’ve written them in notebooks and on note cards, I’ve made my kids copy them and memorize them with me, and I now have files and files of them in my computer. 

When I need them, Holy Spirit is faithful to pop them in my head, I search them out and cling to them and try to keep them before me (that’s why I have so many on my walls).  It’s the only way I am able to run the race.. “keeping my eyes fixed on Jesus, who initiates and perfects our faith.”

Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. 2 We do this by fixing our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects of our faith.  Because of the joy set before Him, He endured the cross, disregarding its shame.  Now He is seated in the place of honor at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again.  Think of all the hostility he endured form sinful people; so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

I’ve always wanted to compile a list personal confessions (You know, like the ones that say, “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.”), so in October I started working compiling a collection and finding a way to keep it before me.

I cut an old cork board into the shape of a cross and tried pining them to it and confessing them, but it looked tacky and I couldn’t get comfortable confessing them.  It felt too much like striving to me (see my previous post).  He does everything by His Spirit (Zechariah 4:6).  My only job is to rest, trust, and believe.  

Jesus told them, “This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the one he has sent.”  John 6:29

The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.  I Thessalonians 5:24

One day, I had the idea that I could rewrite my favorite verses as confessions/praises of who God is and what He has done in and for me; making it more like a prayer of thanksgiving than a demanding of myself.  So I took “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.” and turned it into “You strengthen and enable me to do all things.” 

It’s taken me weeks and weeks and Holy Spirit keeps popping more in my head, but I think I might be close to finishing.  I wrote them all using periods for punctuation, but when I confess them it’s more like:

Jesus!!!! You are soooooo AWESOME!!  YOU give me STRENGTH!!!  HALLELUJAH!!!!!  THANK YOU JESUS!!!!  THANK YOU for enabling me to do ALL THINGS!!!!!!  All this while I am jumping up and down.

Do you know how many favorite verses you have?  I was thinking 30 or 40, but so far I have 281 written into praises.  I didn’t include the ones like “Wives submit yourselves to your husband.”  Although, I could have; it could say, “You enable me to submit myself to my husband,” because He does.  I know it’s not my strength, because I often have to dig deep to draw it up from Him. 

I have two favorite sources for Bible study:
I’ve been using Bible Gateway for a long time.  I love plugging in my 5 favorite versions (NIV, NASB, MSG, AMP, NLT) in and reading them side by side.  You can read whole chapters at a time this way on Bible Gateway.

I just recently found the Online Parallel Bible.  I like it because it has cross references and commentaries on the same page as the verse; helping me to really study out my favorite verses.

I hope I am not making similar mistakes to when I was collecting my favorite Psalms and leaving out the parts about wanting God to defeat my enemies..  I am sure it won’t be long before Holy Spirit straightens me out where I need it.

Preparing so I can Forget

I’ve been privileged to speak at and/or lead a few different lady’s groups.  
To this day, I fear it more than death, but I love pressing in close to God 
so that I can hear what He would have me to say, 
and I am trying to learn to focus on the message 
and not worry so much about actually being the messenger.  
Usually I can put off the fear until some hours before… 
then when I have to open my mouth, my voice quivers 
and when I am really nervous, I stutter. 
I am in that phase now with my surgery where on the outside
I am calm and happy.. especially that it’s not anytime soon, but
I know from past experience that I need to look ahead and prepare.
When we had our first child, I read everything in the book about giving birth,
breathing, etc. but was totally unprepared for the recovery.. 
Four children later, I made the same mistake when I had my tubes tied.  
I never looked up the side effects or what to expect when recovering.
Fast forward to now.. the internet is such a wonderful invention
  filled with recovery stories, blogs, forums, advice from medical personnel..
  This week I found out more than I wanted to know.  
I just keep telling myself, “A couple of months after, it will be all behind me.”
The sooner I get prepared the sooner I can forget about it 
and enjoy my trip to Alaska with Mike.
Yesterday, along with our regular grocery shopping 
Judi and I starting gathering some recovery supplies.
I was so glad to have Judi with me.. 
because it was hard and a little embarrassing.
 She loved teasing me about buying “granny panties” and the “old lady walker.”
She even called a friend to tell her about it.  
The “Peace Man” pillow is to protect me in the car from my seat belt.
I am hoping the neck pillow will help me to sleep in the recliner.  
Everyone says that was the only place they could sleep.. 
I have a hard time sleeping in mine as it is.. my head doesn’t know where to go.
I found the panties in the maternity section on clearance.. 
I need the big ones to keep the elastic from touching my scar.
Slippers are to keep me from slipping.
Walker is for the first couple of weeks.. then back to the thrift store.
I found the lap tray for a dollar.  Isn’t the painting cute?
I didn’t notice until I got home that the name tag says, “Grace.”
I am so thankful that His grace is always there when we need it most.
Hebrews 4:16

Generous Wife (and Husband) Tips

I love receiving e-mails from The Generous Wife 
I try to read them everyday.
Her husband writes tips for the guys as well.
Today’s was about serving our husbands as 
Jesus did when He washed His disciples’ feet. 
She ended with a quote from Helen Keller. 
I’d really like a collection of Helen Keller quotes. 
She was such a great thinker.
“I long to accomplish a great and noble tasks, but it is my chief duty 
to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. 
The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, 
but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker.”   
Helen Keller

Filled with Hope

I am filled with hope
when I remember this:
God’s great love never ends.
His tender compassions never fail.

His mercies begin afresh each morning.
Great is Your faithfulness!
My innermost self says,
“The Lord is my inheritance;
I will hope in Him!”

God is good to those
who passionately wait,
and to those who
diligently seek Him.
It is good to wait patiently,
to quietly hope for help from God.

It’s a good thing when you’re young
to stick it out through the hard times.

   Lamentations 3:21-27

Psalm 59:16-17

One of my all time favorite verses:
Psalm 59:16-17
I will sing of Your strength,
Mighty God,
In the morning I will
celebrate because of Your love.
For You have been to me
a mighty fortress;
my refuge
in times of trouble.

O my Strength,
I sing joyful praises to You!
You alone, O God,
are my place of protection;
For, God of mercy,
You love me.

George MĂĽller on How to Ascertain the Will of God

A dear friend sent this to me today.  I really liked it.  Hope it blesses you.

How to Ascertain the Will of God

1. I seek at the beginning to get my heart into such a state that it has no will of its own in regard to a given matter. Nine-tenths of the trouble with people generally is just here. Nine-tenths of the difficulties are overcome when our hearts are ready to do the Lord’s will, whatever it may be. When one is truly in this state, it is usually but a little way to the knowledge of what His will is.
2. Having done this, I do not leave the result to feeling or simple impression. If so, I make myself liable to great delusions.
3. I seek the Will of the Spirit of God through, or in connection with, the Word of God. The Spirit and the Word must be combined. If I look to the Spirit alone without the Word, I lay myself open to great delusions also. If the Holy Ghost guides us at all, He will do it according to the Scriptures and never contrary to them.
4. Next I take into account providential circumstances. These often plainly indicate God’s Will in connection with His Word and Spirit.
5. I ask God in prayer to reveal His Will to me aright.
6. Thus, through prayer to God, the study of the Word, and reflection, I come to a deliberate judgment according to the best of my ability and knowledge, and if my mind is thus at peace, and continues so after two or three more petitions, I proceed accordingly. 
In trivial matters, and in transactions involving most important issues, I have found this method always effective.
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