Through Every Season

The Storms of LIfe

I love this painting by Rembrandt. I think sometimes we don’t take the Bible stories literally or seriously enough. We look at the disciples with scorn and think “Silly disciples. Why didn’t they trust Jesus?” When in their reality the waves were about to swallow them up. They were fishermen. They knew the sea. They weren’t afraid of a little storm. They were afraid for their lives for a good reason… I have no idea how Jesus slept during that storm. I think He must have been playing possum so that He could bring the disciples up to a higher level of faith for the storms of life that were on the horizon.

We have been keenly aware that we are in Tornado Alley since moving to AL. There have been several tornado warnings this year, a school closing and the tornado sirens are becoming a familiar sound.

Sunday there were several places in our area hit including a neighboring town where several of Mike’s co-workers live. Please, keep them in your prayers.

The storms were still a ways off when we left for church. Princess J had several questions about the safety of the church building in which we attend. I explained to her that it depended on the strength of the storm. She consoled herself that there were no windows in the main auditorium. I looked up and said that roof might get torn off and asked her if she knew what to do if it did.

I know. I wasn’t very reassuring. But I wanted her to put her trust in God no matter what happened and not be shocked and appalled if something did happen. We have to keep a cool head in times of crisis and not forget Who is in control and brings all things together for our good. Princess J has shown herself to be very calm and collected in storms of the past. At times much more so than I.

Once she was trying to climb down from a tree in our front yard and ripped her knee open. We rushed her to the ER. I thought a chunk of her leg was messing and was turning shades of white and green. All I could say to the ER attendant was “Help my baby.” She stayed perfectly calm and still through 25 stitches. She was only seven. She is really amazing. I could tell you more.

While in FL we weathered 4 hurricanes and several tropical storms. When there is a hurricane on the horizon you know sometimes weeks in advance and it’s all the news reporters talk about. The anticipation grew so bad that I had to stop watching TV. I was loosing my joy to fears of how I would handle it if I lost my home or how I would comfort a neighbor or friend who lost theirs.

Here is a poem I wrote early one morning during an approaching storm. I found my focus once again and was..

Overtaken by Joy

Hurricane Wilma on the horizon
My thoughts run this way and that.
How to prepare? Stand or escape?
What will she leave behind?

Not willing to cave into Fear
I look up to my Heavenly Father
And declare, You’re My Rock, My Fortress
My Invincibly Strong Tower!

Basking for a moment
In His unfailing love
Undeniably displayed in His Son
I sit myself down with an old friend, Peace.

Then suddenly,
I am overtaken by Joy
Poured forth as a warm anointing.

As I’m absorbing, it immediately begins transforming.
My lips are forced up by a smile from within.
My heart so full that tears must escape.
My mind is lost in wonder.

How did this happen?
After searching endlessly,
I am caught unaware?
Joy, you were hidden in such a curious place.

Peace beyond understanding.
Love casting out Fear.
Joy comes when trusting in
The One Who holds me so dear.

by Jenny Coleman
October 19, 2005

The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to Him in song. Psalm 28:7

The truth is that when and if something happens God will be with me as always and lead me, guide me and provide everything I need. In the mean time I need to be focused on what He is leading and guiding me to do now.

God bless and keep you!



  1. Wendy

    So glad you blogged again. I was missing it.

  2. Camezi

    You don’t blog much, but when you do, it’s a good one!

  3. Elayne

    Thanks for the encouragement! Love your poem!

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