Through Every Season

It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

We have been blessed with a beautiful new neighborhood.  
The colors this spring have been gorgeous.  
Princess J and I took our camera along with us on a walk through 
our neighborhood so we could share it with you.  
There is a least one house for sale that I know of ..”Won’t you be my neighbor?”  
Don’t miss the big surprise we found near the end of our walk.

Here is our house.

Our brick color is “Old Chicago Brick”.
 It’s red, orange, tan, brown, gray, yellow, green.. a bunch of colors.
I heard that it was really popular 
when the house was built 
and that people would go and take it off 
old abandoned buildings to use on their new house.  
I’ve always liked red brick.  I like this color especially where the brick is in my house.  
I’ll post more house pictures another day.

Here is the neighborhood park.. just down the street.

Here is the sidewalk that we took up though our neighborhood.

Here is an tabby cat enjoying the beautiful day.
Here is the cherry tree in blossom just up the street from us.

Here is some beautiful spring color.
Azaleas are the pride of Montgomery. 
We are the proud owners of two azalea bushes ourselves.
Remember to watch for the surprise at the end.
There are so many different flowering trees here.  I wish I knew their names.
One thing I like about our neighborhood is that you don’t get that cookie cutter feeling.
 Princess J likes this one.
I like this one.  It’s such a warm, cheerful color.  When we walked by we saw
a lady with orange hair petting an orange cat.. no kidding.
I think she should buy this car from our other neighbor.. don’t you?
Doesn’t this one look like a bed and breakfast?
This is one of two log cabins we spotted.  Hope no one minds that I am taking pictures.
Several houses were flying Easter flags.
We are so blessed to live in the land of the free.
Lots of houses here don’t have a garage.. I really miss having one.  
This one has a car port for shade.
This is one of the few that do have a garage but as my parents said… 
I would’nt want to try to have to park in it on an icy day.
I love stormy weather.
Every neighborhood should have trees like these.
What’s beyond our neighborhood?
It looks so inviting.. I wonder if we are allowed back there.
God is the original romantic.  He thought of creating the flowers.
Surprise!  You’d be surprised too if you found an elephant 
on your first exploration of your neighborhood.


  1. Camezi

    Oooooo! Pretty. (Not the elephant.)

  2. Elayne

    wow, very nice photos! and what’s the deal with the elephant? Is he on a trailor or is he permanant back there?

  3. Jennifer Coleman

    He was on the back of a truck.. don’t know what they are going to do with him. I asked Princess J if she thought my grandkids would enjoy visiting my house if had one in my back yard for them to climb on.

  4. Wendy

    Thanks for the walk through your neighbor. I’d love to have sidewalks on our block.

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