Tag: Thoughts (Page 12 of 16)
I finally got some real unpacking done yesterday. I was motivated by the fact that Mike has off today and I knew he’d be bugging me to find his surround sound speakers. We’d found the subwoofer and two of them but couldn’t find the other two.
Basically the only boxes that haven’t been emptied out are the garage boxes, school/book boxes and fabric boxes. I have lots of random stuff sitting around that are not put away and kitchen and bathroom cabinets and closets that need to be organized and curtains to make and hang…
Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus, and find rest for my weary soul. Thank you for easing, relieving and refreshing me. Your yoke is wholesome—not harsh, hard, sharp or pressing, but comfortable, gracious and pleasant; your burden is light and easy to be borne. I cast my burden on you [releasing the weight of it] and you sustain me. You will never allow me to be moved—made to slip or fail, in the name of Jesus. Amen. (Strength to Overcome Cares and Burdens, Daily Prayers That Avail Much Commemorative Edition)
My Goal Is God Himself
Frederick Brook
Nor even blessing, but Himself, my God;
’Tis His to lead me there, not mine, but His—
“At any cost, dear Lord, by any road!”
So faith bounds forward to its goal in God,
And love can trust her Lord to lead her there;
Upheld by Him, my soul is following hard,
Till God hath full fulfilled my deepest prayer.
No matter if the way be sometimes dark,
No matter though the cost be oft times great,
He knoweth how I best shall reach the mark;
The way that leads to Him must needs be strait.
One thing I know—I cannot say Him nay;
On thing I do—I press toward my Lord,
My God, my glory here from day to day,
And in the glory there my Great Reward.
Psalm 133:1 How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!
Judi and I had a great time in the kitchen. She was a wonderful help. She’s a way better cook than I.
- Pray.
- Schedule packers and truck pick up.
- Pray.
- Schedule house inspection.
- Pray some more.
- Have packers over to count how many boxes they need. Try to remember everything that you put in storage so they can plan on that too. Call to tell them the things you forgot.
- Pray.
- Find something to do with your dog and kids in the middle of the summer heat while inspectors are inspecting.
- Pray harder.
- Try not to hyperventilate over the results.
- Pray.
- Check out the water meter to see if what they said is true.
- Pray that there is not a plumbing leak in the foundation of your house.
- Schedule repairs.
- Pray things will go OK.
- Call realtor when her plumbers don’t show up.
- Pray for patience because she is at the beach.
- Ask realtor repeatedly when she is going schedule the appraiser so you can get your stuff out of storage.
- Pray again.
- Ask all your friends and relatives what colors you should choose for your new house.
- Pray.
- Try not to be frustrated with your limited number of choices.
- Pray for wisdom and peace.
- Then pick what your husband wanted to begin with and ignore all your friends and family.
- Breathe.
- Call the storage facility and find out that you’re a couple of days too late to tell them you’ll be out before the end of the month and that you’ll still have to pay for it even though you’ll be out.
- Pray for grace.
- Drive your oldest to Huntsville for college orientation. Pick your colors while you’re there.
- Pray you’ll be content with the choices you made.
- Decide what is the absolutely last day that you can wait for the appraisal before you have to start taking apart your house.
- Pray that God will give you wisdom about what to do while you’re waiting for the appraiser.
- Find out that your four kids are going to be sharing two queen sized beds in the apartment.
- Pray for favor.
- Ask temporary housing for twin beds for the kids.
- Praise God for answered prayers.
- Take apart your closet. Decide what you will need for the rest of Summer, Fall and the beginning of Winter.. just incase it takes that long to build your house.
- Thank God that the appraiser is finally coming tomorrow.
- Cram everything that you decided you didn’t need into the coat closet.
- Pray for grace to make the house sparkle for the appraiser.
- Let appraiser in. Try not to say too much so that God gets the glory.
- Try to believe God that your house will appraise high enough.
- Borrow a friend’s truck to unpack the storage facility that same day.
- Pray that your kids will survive the move.
- Tell your kids they have to pack only the essentials.
- Pray.
- Explain what the word essentials means.
- Pray that they will eventually realize that we really are moving and that they have to start packing.
- Take the kids to a church outing that they are dying to go to.
- Trust God that everything will be ready for the packers when they get there.
- Let your husband drag on an inter-tube at 45 mph.
- Pray that you’ll eventually be able to sit again.
- Try not to laugh when he falls off the jet ski.
- Pray that you aren’t forgetting to pack something important.
- Go through boxes from storage and find school books.
- Pray that you won’t be sore from all the lifting forever.