Through Every Season

Tag: Answers to Prayer (Page 11 of 12)

Where are you hiding? Part 2

Getting back to the title of my post: “Where are you hiding?”

Proverbs 25:2 says, “It’s the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.”  At church on Sunday we had a guest speaker that said that God told her that He loved to hide great people in great hiding places.  

Then He asked her, “Where did I hide Adam?”  
She answered, “In the garden.”  
“In a basket and then in the palace.”
“In a pit, in Potipher’s house, and in prison.”
“Keeping the sheep.”
“In the palace.”
Then He asked, “Where did I hide Jesus?” and answered for her “As a carpenter.”
I’ve thought of many more people God has hidden.  There are many modern day people too.  That amazes me.  
One of the things I hate about moving is being new and getting though the questions that help you size each other up (I mean.. get to know new people).  They ask Mike first.. “What do you do?”  He has this great job that he loves.. he feels privileged to serve his country through what he does.. he works super hard.. and unto the Lord.  I am very proud and happy for him.  He answers simply, “I am a budget officer for the Air Force.”  Thoughts run through their head about punching numbers all day… but it’s really much more than that.  
Then they ask me, “So what do you do?”  Since moving here my answer has been, “I am a stay at home mom.”  They are thinking, “What?  You stay home all day and eat Bon Bons while your husband works his fingers to the bone to support your family?  How shameful.”  I don’t know for sure that that’s what they are thinking, but I know that I have told just told them that I have four teens and that they can’t imagine how they could need a stay at home mom and the incredulous look on their face kinda gives them away.
I know that when I answer that way that I am being a little facetious, but something has gone wrong in our society that it no longer values motherhood when it stands alone.  Do you realize that all this expectation on women to “do something with their lives” is a big part of what has made the cost of living to go up so high?  I keep starting to rant.  Thank God for the back space button.  I’ll spare you.  
All those expectations plus the high cost of living is destroying families.  Little babies are put in day care, kids in school, after school programs, soccer, summer camp on and on.  No one is ever home to see each other.  When they are, the kids are either playing video games or doing homework and the parents are cleaning house or watching TV because they are too exhausted to do anything else.  Families are being raised on fast food.. loosing their health.. getting more and more into debt… which causes more stress…  Over half end in divorce and we wonder why. (Believe it or not this is not my rant.)
To correct my facetious answer Mike always adds, “She homeschools the kids.”  I kinda wish he wouldn’t so I could rant.  Their eyes get really big and they have this amazed look on their face as they say, “Wow!  I don’t know how you do it.  Homeschool four teenagers.  You must have a lot of patience.  I could never stay home with my kids.”  They are thinking of me the same way I was thinking of missionaries.  “Only angelic people can homeschool.”  But it’s not true!!!  
I am an ordinary person.  Patience isn’t something that people are born with .. it’s a fruit of the Holy Spirit!  I have wept, prayed, thrown plenty of impatient fits and prayed some more.  That’s how you get patience.  
We have chosen different standard of living by living on one income, shopped garage sales and at Good Will, and fed our kids baloney sandwiches instead of McDonald’s.  Our kids never threw fits at the grocery store for candy or toys because they knew we couldn’t afford them.  We all have to make choices.  Through the years God had blessed us mightily through Mike’s job.  
I have had to fight feelings inferiority and tell myself over and over that investing my life in my kid’s lives will pay off… even when it doesn’t look like it and they aren’t grateful.  I’ve had to trust God that He knew what He was doing when He told me to homeschool and wouldn’t let me quit.  I’ve had to pray for wisdom when I was in over my head and work and search for solutions long into the night.  
As much as I love to rant that nothing is wrong with being a stay at home mom I also believe that God calls some moms to work.  They carry a lot on their shoulders and many of them do a great job of being keepers at home as well.  I do and don’t envy them.  I pretty sure that I could never do it all.  I am thankful for the life God has given me.  I’ve made mistakes.  I’ve had to apologize.  I’ve failed.  I am not angelic.  
I have thought for a long time that the kids and I have been in hiding.  We spend days on end at home and that feels like hiding.  One day, when the time is right, each of us will come out of hiding and into the next phase of what God is calling us to do.  I don’t know when.  I don’t know if God will use any of us for anything “great” like He did Moses or Esther.  But I do know that it’s good to be in God’s will.. whatever that is and that God needs sheep keepers and home keepers just as much as He needs kings.
So where are you hiding?  Are you in business, sales, or a stay at home mom like me?  Maybe you’re a farmer, a maid, or a fisherman like some of the Bible heros were.  It doesn’t really matter as long as you are hearing God and hiding right in the middle of His will where He can use you exactly the way He created you.  Don’t let anyone tell you that what you do is unimportant.  As our guest speaker said, “Clean bathrooms in the church are just as important as good preaching.”

Where are you hiding?

Every since I was a little girl and went to my first Missionettes meeting and heard about missionaries around the world I’ve always wanted to be a missionary or do something great for God.  It’s good to desire to show your love to God in a great way because His love for us is so great.

When I was in my early twenties, I actually did get to be a missionary in Thailand.  I loved it.  Thailand was a land of beautiful people who were hungry for God, but while I was there I discovered that missionaries weren’t the mystical, angelic people that I had always imagined they were.  They were ordinary people like me.  
They have one of the most incredible jobs.  Some actually get paid to live their dreams of ministering to the people in the country God has called them to, but in day to day life.. sometimes they wonder if that pay will cover the rent and groceries for the week, sometimes they come up against walls and trials, sometimes their co-laborers say and do things that hurt them, sometimes they are the ones stepping on toes, somedays they wonder if they ever heard God in the first place, many times life seems just like the dull every day life in their home country, and somedays they wish with all their heart that they could run away home, get some rest, and see their family.
While I was in Thailand, I experienced a wonderful grace that enabled me to love and lay down my life for the people there, but there were many days that I spent doing the same kind of things I spent doing at home.. cleaning house (yes, missionaries houses have to be cleaned, too), caring for my baby, cooking dinner.. while my husband got to go out and preach and minister to people.
Finally I went to God in desperation, “God, is this what I came to Thailand to do?  I wanted to do great things for You.”  I heard very clearly that day that my job was to “Care for your husband and children.”  He showed me a verse in Titus 2:5.  Now I know that every young wife should know this verse, but to me it was very new.  “To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God not be blasphemed.” After reading that I had to pray again, “Lord help me to be content to be a keeper at home.”  I’ve had to pray that many times since.  
I think there have been times that I was content, but each time I move (way too often) I get excited about what is it that God is going to use me for in this new place and the answer is still the same.  Actually this last time God spoke to me before we moved that my roll as a wife was going to be key.. that I needed to really focus on loving and respecting my husband.  
The funny thing is that when I do get to play a role that’s a little outside my wife/mom roll I freak out… “I can’t do it God!”  Then He has to remind me that “It’s not by might, nor by power, but by his Spirit.”  Many times He has had to teach me the lesson of not doing things in my own strength the hard way.  Even my mom and wife roles are overwhelming at times.. but He is always there to help me.. even in the darkest of nights.
I had more that I wanted to write.. but it’s 7 o’clock and time to put on my mom/wife hat again.

He is Faithful

The last couple of months I’ve been troubled by the ending of King Solomon’s life.  I’ve been thinking that if King Solomon was so wise, did so many great things for God, and still fell away what is to keep me from doing the same?  

My thoughts were making me miserable.  Finally, I started praying instead of worrying (Good idea. Right?) and God showed me that I was looking at it all wrong.  It’s not that I have to be so great or so strong or dependable.  He is the One who is faithful.  Whew!  What a relief!  
In 2 Thess. 3 the Amplified says, “Yet the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen you and set you on a firm foundation and guard you from the evil one.”
I don’t have to be strong in my own strength.  He is there daily strengthening me.  It’s not about what I do or don’t do.  It’s about living in relationship with Him.  
One of my favorite scriptures has been Galatians 3.  Here it is in the Message:
1 You crazy Galatians! Did someone put a hex on you? Have you taken leave of your senses? Something crazy has happened, for it’s obvious that you no longer have the crucified Jesus in clear focus in your lives. His sacrifice on the cross was certainly set before you clearly enough.
 2-4 Let me put this question to you: How did your new life begin? Was it by working your heads off to please God? Or was it by responding to God’s Message to you? Are you going to continue this craziness? For only crazy people would think they could complete by their own efforts what was begun by God. If you weren’t smart enough or strong enough to begin it, how do you suppose you could perfect it? Did you go through this whole painful learning process for nothing? It is not yet a total loss, but it certainly will be if you keep this up!
 5-6 Answer this question: Does the God who lavishly provides you with his own presence, his Holy Spirit, working things in your lives you could never do for yourselves, does he do these things because of your strenuous moral striving or because you trust him to do them in you? Don’t these things happen among you just as they happened with Abraham? He believed God, and that act of belief was turned into a life that was right with God.
Here are two more..
I Cor. 1:7-9 Just think—you don’t need a thing, you’ve got it all! All God’s gifts are right in front of you as you wait expectantly for our Master Jesus to arrive on the scene for the Finale. And not only that, but God himself is right alongside to keep you steady and on track until things are all wrapped up by Jesus. God, who got you started in this spiritual adventure, shares with us the life of his Son and our Master Jesus. He will never give up on you. Never forget that.

Phil. 1:6 (Amp.) And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.
I don’t know how many different ways the idea that I have to be independent and do things on my own can sneak into my brain (This time I was meditating on a Bible story!), but I am sure glad when He is faithful to remind me of the truth and it sets me free.
Great Is Thy Faithfulness

Words and Music by Thomas O. Chilsholm and William Runyan

Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father,
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions they fail not
As Thou has been Thou forever wilt be.
      Great is Thy faithfulness!
      Great is Thy faithfulness!
      Morning by morning new mercies I see.
      All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
      Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me.
Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide.
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside.

Solitary Confinement

Working in a little bathroom 6 days a week for the last month started to feel like solitary confinement.  
I started looking pretty ragged, too.

I missed learning with the kids in school.  I missed talking to people.  I missed enjoying my nice little clean house which wasn’t clean any longer.    

  I was very thankful for my wet saw.  
After a couple of weeks of thinking, “I’ll finish by the end of this week.”  I finally got my ipod out and sung my heart out while tiling.    

One cool thing about doing your own remodeling is uncovering the history of your house.  I found this wallpaper in one of the moldy walls.    

I loved tiling the floor.  It went faster than anything else.  

This fan was my most valuable tool for survival.

Mike was able to help me get started on the tile one Saturday.
I learned this cool trick on YouTube on how to measure the cuts you need for the edges of the room.  I cut this piece of card board to the size I needed and used it like the YouTube video tool linked above.  
One of the very last things that we had to do was put in the new bath tub fixtures.  Mike started working on it one night after work.  Once we got it partially together, we discovered that we had no cold water.  It looked like we were going to have to tear out the tile to turn on the cold water valve inside the wall.  
It was unthinkable to me.  I was so tired.  I didn’t want to add on another 3 or 4 days of work.  I asked for time to think.  Finally about an hour later I had the thought that it would be easier to get at the pluming from the living room wall and patch that wall than to have to retile.  So we measured the distance from the wall to the pluming and found this air conditioner vent.. 
which was really a disguise for an access to the tub plumbing.  Hurray!  I was so relieved.  Especially when we discovered it wasn’t the wall valve at all it was different part that needed loosened up.  I would have been so upset.  Thank You, Jesus for the inspired wall idea.  

First Car Experiment

You know, everything you do with your first born is an experiment.  When we were young parents of 4 and got strange looks and funny comments about having so many, we used to say.. “With four there is never a dull moment.”  Having moved from those childhood years into the young adult years the saying has held true and intensified.  We do get a few peaceful moments away now, but they can’t be considered dull because they are filled with the reverberations of so many intensely exciting moments.  There’s quite a difference between getting your first tricycle and getting your first car.  

Look!  Mom.  I bought a new Saturn.  
The last couple of years our Scientist has been steadily working and saving his money for college and a car… huge steps toward his calling.  He saved over $10,000 in insurance cost by waiting until he actually needed a car before getting a driver’s license and a car.  He has patiently waited for God’s direction and timing.  I am very proud of him.

I was asking God this morning for the right word to describe what it is about our Scientist that makes me feel so proud.  He is faithful, hardworking, persistent, patient, kind, attentive and so many other things.  God gave me the word “fortitude.”
Mamalene blessed me with a copy of Webster’s 1828 dictionary several years ago.  It’s one of his first published dictionaries.  If you want to really know what a word means, look it up in this dictionary.  You’ll be blown away by how rich our language is.  There is actually an searchable version online.  I included the link below.  It makes a great Bible study tool.  

Below is what it said about fortitude.  It’s a very good description of our Scientist (of course, God knew) and I know that as our Scientist leans into God for fortitude that he will find the grace to become exactly who He wants him to be.
FOR’TITUDE, n. [L. fortitudo, from fortis, strong.]
That strength or firmness of mind or soul which enables a person to encounter danger with coolness and courage, or to bear pain or adversity without murmuring, depression or despondency. Fortitude is the basis or source of genuine courage or intrepidity in danger, of patience in suffering, of forbearance under injuries, and of magnanimity in all conditions of life. We sometimes confound the effect with the cause, and use fortitude as synonymous with courage or patience; but courage is an active virtue or vice, and patience is the effect of fortitude.
Fortitude is the guard and support of the other virtues.

22nd Anniversary Trip

Mike planned a great anniversary trip for me 
to DeSoto State Park up in Northeast AL.
He was speaking to me in my love language.  
Taking me out doors to walk along a river is the best.
To top that he threw in some mountains and waterfalls
and a kiss by Queen Anne’s lace.  
We stayed in this really nice little cabin in Mentone, AL 
on top of Lookout Mountain.    
It was fully equipped with everything from a kitchen to a hot tub.  
Hubby and I talked about how it’d be nice to have money to invest 
in a cabin like it, rent it when we could, and go up on long weekends to kayak, ski, golf etc. up in the mountain.  We saw several for sale.
Mike made us some great big stakes on the gas grill.  
It’s been so hot at home that we’ve started thinking twice before using our grill.
We are used to Florida’s milder weather.
It was a little cooler, much more bearable up in the mountains.  
Water falls were easy to find a long Little River.
The park was really nice.  It’s nestled in the mountains between a couple of little towns.  To get from one town to the other you have to drive through the park, so there was no entrance fee.  I like free.
I don’t know what it is about big rocks that are so impressive.  
Mike gave me some cool, new jewelry that matched my top perfectly.  
It’s not in this picture.. I got it later that day.
It’s my new favorite color.  
Blue has been my favorite color since I can remember.  
A few of years ago I discovered purple.  
Now I am into this steely aqua color.  
I’ve decided that I like changing my favorite color from time to time.  
I still love sky blue and lavender.  
I think my favorite, favorite color is a mixture of the two, periwinkle.
This rock was so cool that they built the road around it.  
Once the morning started warming up, we decided to head down the 
mountain to Fort Payne to find some air conditioning. 
We stumbled across a big homecoming celebration for Alabama.  
It took us a while to figure out that they meant 
the country western band “Alabama”.  
Turns out that they are from there originally.  
For a little town of 12,ooo that’s a big deal.  
We had chicken fried steak at the Santa Fe Cattle Co.  
The food was good and we got ice water to go.
Our next stop was the Unclaimed Baggage Center.  
It’s a in a little town called Scottsboro on the Tennessee River.  Seeing all the stuff people had lost on planes was interesting.  They had a Kirby vacuum cleaner just like mine that’s a steal at $300, 
but most of the stuff wasn’t that great a deal for used stuff especially considering that they got the stuff for free.  I guess that’s the law of supply and demand at work for you.  
I found a Message Remix Bible for $10.  I was thrilled.  It’s practically new and I’ve been wanting one for months.  Mike found some sun glasses and we also picked up some DVD’s; Felix the Cat, Home Alone, The Grinch, Skillet Worship and a few others.  Most of them were around $4.  A deal but non-returnable.. so we’ll see how well they play.  
I wanted the Felix the Cat DVD because the kids have from time to time asked me what I did when I was a kid.. basically my answer is.. I watched TV and they have no idea what I am talking about when I tell them how I had a cat that looked just like Felix the Cat that I made watch the show with me everyday.  
 The kids survived the weekend.. new responsibility of driving and all.  
We’ve got a busy week a head.  Our creation scientist got his acceptance letter from AUM this weekend and has a lot to do before school starts. 
Thanks for your prayers..

The Call

What is The Call?  It’s a prayer and fasting movement led by Lou Engle.  Thousands across our nation and around the world have been gathering to pray and fast for break through in spiritual realms.  
Our friends the Conways  have been becoming more and more involved with the International House of Prayer (IHOP) in Tampa and attended a Call gathering held in FL a few months ago.  They let us in on the movement and then Leslie and her son J drove until the early hours of the morning to attend The Call gathering here with us in Montgomery on April 5th.  We were blessed to have them come pray with us.
Over ten thousand gathered to pray and fast that day .. it was a very moving experience.  God did a work in all of our lives.  It’s hard to describe the intense warfare that was going on against abortion, tearing down prejudices and bitterness between black and whites, and releasing revival in America.   
Here is a powerful 2 min. video from YouTube from The Call.  Just a taste of the 12 hours we experienced.

I learned a lot about the history of our new city and about how God is moving in our city and nation.
You can join in with the thousands praying and fasting in future The Call gatherings by watch them live on God TV.  There will be a The Call gathering in DC in August, one in CA this fall and several International ones including one in Israel coming soon.
There are many other ways you can get involved, also.  You can donate, volunteer, you can attend training, you can commit to pray and fast against abortion for life, you can help start an IHOP in your home town, you can plant a Prayer Furnace… and much more.
Be sure not to miss the Purity Covenant PDF file at
International House of Prayer
Prayer Furnace
Prayer to end abortion
I was thinking a week or two before The Call that we need a ribbon for abortion awareness like the ones for breast cancer etc.  At the call we got these “Life Bands” and have committed to pray this 22 word prayer everyday with thousands of others: “Jesus, I plead your Blood over my sins and the sins of my nation.  God, end abortion and send revival to America.”  You can order a band and learn more at the above site.
Earlier this year the Lord showed me a weed of doubt that had grown in my heart and revealed to me that doubt is having more faith in our enemies than in Him.  I had allowed the thought that I would never see an end to abortion and that it was hopeless to pray against it to enter my heart.  I repented immediately but the faith that I could be apart of bring down the stronghold of abortion still wasn’t there.  
If you are in a place like that, with any enemy in your life.. get your self in a position to hear the WORD.  Faith comes by hearing the Word of God.  If you have to hear it for days or months straight before it gets in your heart, do it.  Lives may be a stake.  Our weapons are not carnal but mighty to the pulling down of strong holds.  
When I pray against abortion now, I have direction for my prayers.  I pray for forgiveness of the sins of our nation and against the lies planted by the enemy that are leading people astray..  taking every thought captive and bringing them under submission to Truth.
The world is unprincipled. It’s dog-eat-dog out there! The world doesn’t fight fair. But we don’t live or fight our battles that way—never have and never will. The tools of our trade aren’t for marketing or manipulation, but they are for demolishing that entire massively corrupt culture. We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ. Our tools are ready at hand for clearing the ground of every obstruction and building lives of obedience into maturity.  2 Corinthians 10:3-6 MSG
I’ve been privileged to see the beginnings of revival in our nation and I hope in the last day you will find me still standing in prayer.
God Bless,

The Steadfast Love of the Lord Never Ceases

The faithful love of the Lord never ends!
His mercies never cease.
Great is his faithfulness;
His mercies begin afresh each morning.
I say to myself, “The Lord is my inheritance;
therefore, I will hope in Him!”

Lamentations 3:22-24 (NLT)

There is a song based on this verse called the Steadfast Love of the Lord Never Ceases that I love and live by. I can hear it playing deep in my heart.

I love mornings. I love spending time with God. I love meditating on His word. I love knowing that He loves me and that I can live in His mercy and grace.

In the movie Ann of Green Gables one of my favorite quotes is “Each new day is fresh with no mistakes in it.”

Sometimes a new day isn’t soon enough and I need a fresh start before the morning is even up. When my day is going really wrong, I hide in closet and pray. Many times I know the problem is me and I beg for a new attitude; other times I feel like I am loosing a battle and pray for more strength, mercy and grace. Once I’ve poured out my whole heart, I come out determined to have a fresh start on my day and to trust God with the answers to my prayers.

The idea of a “New Year’s Resolution” seems so foreign to me this year. New I understand. Everything is so new for me right now; new house, new city, new Walmart, new community, new way of life, new morning, renewed love for God, new dreams and new visions…

Year – Wow! So much can happen in a year. I need those fresh moments of mercy and grace that never cease to come from our Father’s loving heart!

I had a dream last week that I was putting some things up on a bulletin board. I was praying for help with how to arrange it as I worked. God answered with instructions on where to put a tack. I was taken by surprise. I couldn’t see the big picture of what was ahead (posted on the bulletin board) but I could see exactly where God wanted the little green tack. God is so into details. I know this from experience and it shows forth His glory in His creation. Details so small and complicated that we can see them or comprehend them.

I am still hearing God say “Dream Big”. I don’t know what big dreams He wants me to dream, but I believe He will show me and help me to do all He is calling me to do and be even to the last detail. In the meantime I am going to put that little green tack where He instructed and keep praying for His guidance and help. It’s my first step out into the big dreams of God.

I don’t really have a resolution. I have a determination to keep trusting God in and for each moment. Great is His faithfulness!

Entering in as a child,


A New Home For Christmas

Proverbs 16:3 Roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and] so shall your plans be established and succeed.

I have this verse from the Amplified posted by my bathroom door. I love to meditate on the idea that God can cause my thoughts to be in agreement with His and that I have the potential of successfully completing my plans when I give them to Him.

I’ve been praying while preparing for this move for God to show me His vision for this new season of our lives. First of all because I know that being in the center of God’s will is the best place to be and because I need a vision to help me make it through this move and four growing teenagers.

I felt like I finally got an answer the other night. It wasn’t what I expected. I was hoping for something more tangible. Instead I heard, “Dream Big. Ask me to stretch your imagination beyond what you can imagine.”

These verses had been in my thoughts all week.

“Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you. In the same way that a branch can’t bear grapes by itself but only by being joined to the vine, you can’t bear fruit unless you are joined with me. I am the Vine, you are the branches. When you’re joined with me and I with you, the relation intimate and organic, the harvest is sure to be abundant. Separated, you can’t produce a thing. Anyone who separates from me is deadwood, gathered up and thrown on the bonfire. But if you make yourselves at home with me and my words are at home in you, you can be sure that whatever you ask will be listened to and acted upon. John 15:4-8 MSG

The idea of asking was big in my heart but I didn’t know what to ask for. Now that I do it’s a little scary… to tell the truth. What are these big things that God has planned for us? Am I ready to walk them out? Can I really successfully follow them through? Do I dare to dream as big as God can stretch me to dream?

I know one thing for sure. I have had to lean on Him big time for the strength to do all that it takes to get ready for this move and He has been faithfully pouring out His grace on me. Oh, for the courage to trust Him for bigger things than I can imagine.

The moving truck will be at my door tomorrow and I will be starting a new adventure. Will you take the plunge with me? Learn more of His love, how to trust Him more and how to ask and “Dream Big.” for the new season He is bringing you into?

“My response is to get down on my knees before the Father, this magnificent Father who parcels out all heaven and earth. I ask him to strengthen you by his Spirit—not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength—that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite him in. And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you’ll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant dimensions of Christ’s love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God. God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.

Glory to God in the church!
Glory to God in the Messiah, in Jesus!
Glory down all the generations!
Glory through all millennia! Oh, yes!”

Ephesians 3:14-21 The Message


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