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P.S. After finishing this post, I went to run errands. Halfway to the store,
I realized that I hadn’t grieved for the mass of people there.
I almost pulled over to weep.
Walking through that crowd had a profound effect on me.
God has been doing a great work in how I see others.
Showing me how inherently flawed and broken I am.
We are all in need of the Savior – daily.
All His judgement was poured out on Jesus at the cross.
When we receive the gift of His sacrifice, we are set free.
the 4′ Christmas tree we had before inheriting my grandmother’s
much nicer tree and some dowels and wire.. it fell apart.
I redid it this year with duct tape and twine.
It’s much stronger now.
I put an extra wreath in the bucket I bought for my fall flowers.
The bucket needs a red bow.. doesn’t it?
Back inside…
Have you seen this book? I really like it.
for our last move and didn’t find them until this week.. (over two years later).
names of Jesus ornaments with some invisible thread.
They are the same color blue as the satin I used to wrap the tree.
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
before all the years of kids decorating and knocking over trees…
And.. ta da a woodsy garland..
Every Christmas up until last, I’ve bought the kids an ornament at the
after Christmas sales to add to their collection.. then each Christmas
the kids got to decorate the tree with their own ornaments.
They loved this when they were little..
Last year, the kids decided it was too much trouble to put their ornaments
on the tree and that they didn’t really care about collecting ornaments.
It kinda hurt my feelings..
I decided that if I was going to do all the work from now on
that I was going to start over with new ornaments for me.
At the after Christmas sales last year, I bought these ornaments
80 or 90% off.. I was so excited.. my favorite color..
I guess my blue and white tree has gone out of style..
there were so many of them left to buy.. I bought 20 for a little over $20.
A few weeks after that, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and needed
something to do distract myself from my impending surgery
and while recovering. so I started making the quilted ornaments
with the names of Jesus on them that I showed you in July.
Reading the names of Jesus all those weeks was great therapy,
but when I hung them on my new slim tree
a couple of weeks ago.. I didn’t like them. 🙁
I loved reading the names of Jesus on the tree…
and I love quilts.. They just aren’t my decorating style. :-/
So I decided to make simpler, paper ones.
Judi and I both liked the glitter idea.
Here’s my new, slim, names of Jesus tree.
I found the ribbon on clearance last year too..
There are 25 different cards with over a hundred names.
I decided that I had room for a few more ornaments
and divided all our old ornaments into themes.
I hung the ones that reminded me of Jesus on the tree.
This is one of my favorites..
and make a winter wreath or garland.